Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/03/28/of-208m-in-fines-leveled-agai.html
So much winning… for someone.
The people in charge are opposed to punishing criminals. They’re opposed to even taxing them.
Just call them once an hour every day, asking for them to hand over the money.
Thanks Obama…
" I’d bet a dollar the only fines ever collected were from a tiny handful of otherwise legitimate callers who made stupid mistakes."
I’ll take that bet! (like you’ll be able to collect that dollar if I lose, hah!)
If fines don’t work, give em jail time instead.
Two people I know have dropped their landline services in the past month specifically because of robocallers and other phone scammers. Perhaps if that trend continues the telcos will see these bottom-feeders as a cost to their business rather than as a revenue opportunity and finally do something about blocking them at the server layer (who am I kidding? They’ll just make it easier for the robocallers to call mobile phones).
The news stories, and for that matter the government press releases, rarely identify the individuals who have been fined. It’s time for some public shaming. It’s time for the facts to get out. It’s time for their neighbors to insult them at Stabrocks, publish their photos on telephone poles, and call them out at church services.
Should’ve sent these fine debts to shady collections agencies. Those a-holes are relentless.
The people in charge ARE criminals.
I’m being robocalled right now.
If only there was a way to remind someone of their outstanding fine, over and over, at all times of the day, and most of the time, no one is on the other end.
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