On "Adiemus" and the world's music

I think it’s a good illustration of how now and then, on a full moon or something, blatant capitalist bullshit society can actually be quite good.

I love that piece. No matter what the circumstances in its creation, the fact is that Jenkins is a creative composer and arranger of pieces that occasionally are very popular. How many of the posters here can say the same?

As for the “fake language” claim, the human voice is an instrument and this is a great use of it.

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Thank you! I love it as well, and a few other individual Adiemus tracks.

Oh yeah, and he joined Soft Machine after the most interesting members (Ayers and Wyatt) left.

Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a really well done piece, and a really creative use of the human voice. I love the fact that it’s just phonetic syllables, a made up language, not trying to fake any particular language but unabashedly using the voice as an instrument as you say. I think the original album is by far the best of the batch though.

And yet we know the creators of this particular great use of the human voice had intentions beyond its simple beauty. They were aiming for a specific result: the childlike singing of Africans.

We don’t have to judge this choice, but we don’t get to pretend it wasn’t made, either.

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