On "Echo Chambers"

Thoughts: Most persons who are “concerned” about them seem to think they can bully people into their particular POV through constant exposure and don’t care that others find their views tiring.

The issue we face is not subjective “echo chambers” but persons not living in the same reality as the rest of us. Filtering out bad information and invalid perspectives is essential, not harmful. Passively would be ideal, but since we’ve got social media overload and information coming at us every which way, tools to avoid stuff that’s consistently tiresome help us get through the day.

I don’t think it even needs getting into the “safe spaces”, I’d rather focus on information and fun versus the usual tired empathy-free narratives and high school drama that follows such fruitless “discussions”. It’s their culture or how they argue, and I accept that.

It’s a bit funny (I don’t know if I’d suggest self-justifying…) how the same argumenters are horrified that a person wouldn’t want to listen to them. I guess that someone would ignore them is their “trigger”.