Yes that’s where the example ceases to be apt. That hadn’t happened at the point I posted about the exchange.
The specific case is not important. The point was to illustrate the topic of discussion since there seemed to be some debate about what was meant.
We now have a frame of reference.
The fact that the poster in question didn’t stick to their stated intention not to post further is of course clearly a deliberate ploy to undermine my example and quite frankly all of those later posts should be flagged with extreme prejudice.
That’s great (seriously, it is) - see what you’ve done though! Undermining my beautiful example by being all reasonable and taking part in the discussion… 

Again though, it serves to illustrate the posited issue.
And, yes, it does tend to add support to the argument that the people who come straight in with “this post won’t be published! Wow, what an echo chamber you’ve got here, etc., etc.” don’t tend to be interested in making their arguments. They want a nice “Yes, you’re so right, how could we not have seen that” or more likely, they actually want everyone piling on to tell them how wrong they are in the most polemic terms they can extract because it nicely reinforces their worldview.
Let’s face it, there’s nothing worse than meeting people whose views you abhor only to find they’re actually calm rational people who appear sensible in all ways except that they don’t agree with you on something.
But I do think @Israel_B has a point when he says that there is a tendency to just not post views which one knows will be contentious.
It takes a certain mentality to keep fighting one’s corner on a topic where the appearance is that the majority opinion is against one. And yes, the people who have that mentality tend to sooner or later make their arguments in ways that breach the site rules.
The people who don’t have that kind of mentality simply don’t post their views on those topics. Not because the view is contrary to site rules or the way they post about it is but simply because they decide it’s not worth the effort.
That does tend to mean that discussions go around certain topics and certain views.
As I’ve said before I don’t think there is an answer to it, certainly not one that mods and software can do anything about.
About the only thing I can think of that might help (assuming anyone cares enough to want to do anything) might be if we, the users, adhere a bit more to the spirit of the community guidelines such as assuming good faith (and then flagging mercilessly once that assumption is almost inevitably shattered) and also considering how our response looks to the poster we’re replying to when taken together with all the other replies they’re likely to get.
I do see quite a few posts here where some really quite fine snark is poured on another post and I’m guilty of attempting such myself.
One such response is fine, two is funny. When it gets to more than that? Perhaps a bit more po-faced earnestness is required.
I’ve heard that’s sometimes of importance.