On parenting a little boy who's been scared off wearing pink

I suggested Charlie Brown’s hair and he scoffed at the suggestion. Yes, indeed he has excellent taste. His father not so much…

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yeah, in Spanish, “verga” (not sure I spelled it right—it means “dick”) ends in A which usually denotes feminine gender. very confusing.

My son who is going on 6 still gets his nails painted. He has no idea it has anything to do with gender. He also does ballet. Adults sometimes read this as a sign of sexuality, but there is a refreshing obliviousness to it that makes adult inferences look simplistic and anxious. ‘Polymorphous’ comes to mind. He seems pretty obviously straight.

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It is adults who have deeply internalized the culturally-determined link between appearance and sexuality. Why would nail polish mean “sexually female”? Or pink? Or a skirt? Or a play kitchen? The markers differ between cultures. That’s our first clue that they are not universal. And the fact that they have to be learned by children…that’s our second clue.


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