On the topic of guillotines and false equivalencies

No, I think you misunderstand him. What you read as him “denying that someone could use a guillotine meme for any other purpose” is in fact him trying to restrict the frame of what he is objecting to specifically to the original context as he sees it, that of objecting to the idea of ambiguous deniable attack memes in a more public context.

The statement the borderer challenged was a statement opposing adopting Trumpian tactics as defined by Kris_Asard.

The full context, starting from the Kris_Asard comment is this:

  1. Kris defines a new Trumpian tactic of using ambiguous meme videos to threaten and attack people, of which the Trump murder video is an example. Kris asks how this tactic might be countered.
  2. b00fh says we should adopt this tactic, purposing guillotine imagery to this. b00fh thus identifies guillotine gifs directly with Trump’s tactic.
  3. Bernel objects to adopting Trump’s tactic, making a hyperbolic but heartfelt statement about the breakdown of civility in public politics and civil war.
  4. the_borderer objects to the objection, saying right wingers are bad, and you shouldn’t be told to be civil to terrible people.
  5. Bernel thinks this is a defence of b00fh. “We should threaten right wingers using guillotine gifs because they suck”. He attempts to clarify, saying that he doesn’t advocate just bending over for the nazis, but threats (again his read of the current topic) are inappropriate.
  6. the_borderer reiterates that the far right are SUPER BAD.
  7. Bernel repeats that threats are wrong.
  8. the_borderer makes the first sign he’s talking about guillotine memes in the context of BB.
  9. Bernel says he’s talking about the original context, of b00fh saying embracing Trump’s strats. Here he makes the mistake of accusing the_borderer of being dishonest and trying to change the subject.
  10. Now the conversation splits:
    (a) Tuhu talks specifically about BB guillotine gifs, viewing Bernel’s objection as being to merely “mentioning guillotine gifs” - I suspect tuhu didn’t read Kris’ original post, and see that what Bernel’s objection is is to deniable threats.
    (b) armozel reinforces Bernel’s POV by talking about a state of emergency, the need to force fascists to back down.

And so on, I’m tired, but you get the point here.

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