On the topic of guillotines and false equivalencies

Bernel is more concerned with how the audience here on BB will respond. As far as I know, none of these comments are automatically posted to Twitter.

[If Cory’s guillotine images end up there, I don’t know how much hand-wringing is going on there, because that is a community I choose to avoid because it’s not as knowledgeable as this one.]

If someone is going to give their deeply concerned hot take on the nature of the community here, they should expect some backlash (especially if they haven’t taken the time to get a sense of how knowledgeable and pacifistic the community in general actually is).

That’s assuming good-faith sloppiness, of course – sometimes people will double-down rather than admit they were wrong [ETA: or tadmit hat their opinion is consciously or unconsciously informed by the factors described succinctly by @DukeTrout below]

There are other commenters who come here knowing exactly the nature of the community specifically to concern-tr0ll in bad faith (those ones do indeed take a different view of history – a counter-factual one where Nazis are tragic heroes and where white American males are the most oppressed group of them all).

Discussed and debated in this reference topic:

[Might as well consider this a continuation of that topic]