One man's search for the least-viewed article on Wikipedia

Originally published at: One man's search for the least-viewed article on Wikipedia | Boing Boing


Anyone know more about this lack of genuine randomness? Last time I looked up a few random articles, one of them was “Coprophilia.” Hard to imagine the Wikiteers curating that one.

Could it have been a typo? Did they mean Coproptilia?

ETA: I imagine my example has doomed my question to never be answered.

Of course now those articles are going to be victims of their own publicity. How many views did they get in the past hour or two from this article? It’s like the old joke about the “least interesting number” – a number being “least interesting” is itself something interesting about the number.


I think you can get a list of articles, sorted by views ascending, but it has to be done through the Action API rather than the Pageview API one that he linked.

Glad they got that right. :slight_smile:


or a set of sri lankan moths, all with the same name :wink:

Eek, Schrödingers article!

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