Online casino bankrolls largest-ever, ruinously expensive war in Eve Online

They really ought to patch that space inventory bug.


I personally find it simultaneously fascinating and disappointing. I mean, Galactic Stage Capitalism is sort of banal. Iā€™d like to see someone use these massive online worlds to simulate experimental economies we canā€™t afford to try out in the real world, explore the phase-space of human trade and maybe, just maybe, make a discovery that could revolutionize the real world. Instead they rebuild the Persian Empire with improbable space ships. Seems kind of like a huge wasted opportunity.

has used a tribute system based on ancient Persian tithing to create a galactic empire

Genera nitpick: while the Ancient Persians were the architects of the tribute system of classical antiquity (more or less independently invented by the Han Dynasty as well), tithing was a very specific aspect of English feudalism of which the tax structure imposed by the monarchy was only one element.


Iā€™d add to that - developers who are generally happy to let the players dictate the game, rather than attempt to force changes if they decide that gamers arenā€™t playing it properly. Canā€™t think of any other MMO that really allows that much freedom.

No other game that Iā€™ll never play is as fascinating as EVE.


A good example of what Eve actually looks like when being played might be this video, but really the best videos about Eve would be by Rooks and Kings:

I will admit that I went down a rabbit hole yesterday while at work and actually watched pretty much the whole thing. Very cool.

But I think Iā€™ve passed the stage in my life where I could ever devote the amount of time that these games require, so Iā€™ll just have to be reminded of them when news items like this appear before me.


I read this great quote yesterday on Kotaku: I thought I was playing Eve Online but it turns out I just had Nasaā€™s Photo of the Day up and was running Excel.




Not unlike day trading setups, and indeed, some of the wealthiest (in-game) people are also Wall Street types in real-life. Taking work home with themā€¦

In all honesty you can get by with a single account playing whenever you have spare time, especially if you prefer solo or small-group PvP or marketing (and doubly so if you find a good group of players). You have to be OK losing your investments of time/effort, ofc, but the risk of losing stuff to players who outsmart/outplay you is a large part of EVEā€™s appeal.


I like gaming, itā€™s fun, but this looks like a lot of work to me. Now, if youā€™ll excuse me, I need to get back to my pretend space program exploring fake planets with little green people.


Fuck you, itā€™s an open chat!

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Whatevs. Fuck this place. Iā€™ll get on a better server.

I figure any RTS player can appreciate this video. The chat section itself is wonderful and over the top ā€“ yet totally believable.


ā€œWhere are you?ā€

ā€œIā€™m at her funeral.ā€

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OK just to date myself severely,

Greater waster of personal time:

Eve Online or Civilization (any given version)

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Came to say that XKCD image is spot on. Also, EVE as ā€œspreadsheet game in spaceā€ is true as well. Between the data overload and constantly getting attacked by randos despite having a ship worth relatively nothing, I made it about three months before throwing in the proverbial towel.

For me, the monumental task of learning EVE overshadowed the exploration and joy of completing a difficult run through harsh territory. Civ, on the other hand, is a I-donā€™t-care-what-time-it-is-just-one-more-fucken-turn type game (for me at least). So, for me, the more enjoyable time sink was Civ.


See, this is the exact reason I donā€™t like to play things like this. I was interested in Dangerous Elite until I found out randos would just wail on you when you wandered into their space when you were just out poking around things. The internet makes people assholes and itā€™s not how I like to play.


Elite Dangerous is supposed to have a solo play option where there are only AI ships.

Yeah, I know, but even then I want to explore and poke around, not have to deal with combat. I donā€™t walk around single player in GTA worried that some other AI is going to attack me, I just get to drive fast cars dangerously and jump out of helicopters.


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