still no .jpeg icon
Personally I use a very heavily tweaked BunsenLabs install, with i3 tiling window manager and no traditional taskbar/menu to speak of
The old icons supported 16 colors as well. Starting with Vista many icons were also updated to support higher resolutions like 256x256 and 512x512.
it’s nostalgia
Susan Kare also designed the Windows icons starting from Windows 3.0.
Reminds me of this oldie, but goodie:
Space cuttle!
Ubuntu 18.10 is code named “Cosmic Cuttlefish.” Normally, I’ll scrap the default wallpaper immediately, but I rather like this one.
It’s pretty great! I’ve got a Xubuntu on a couple older machines, but I haven’t actually used regular Ubuntu for a while, so I missed this.
I have a bit of a thing for cephalopods.
There’s no replacement for the "“whirring…bing…chrrrr…bing…”
(crossing the ocean sounds)
Sound of Dial-Up on a Dell w W/95!
I have a similar nostalgia for the Extensions icons that would pop-up along the bottom of the screen when you boot-up Mac OS 8 and 9. There were seemingly hundreds of the things. It would nice to see a similar library for those
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