Only 35% of Uber/Lyft riders always tip

Anybody who deigns to call another human being “trash” for something so petty isn’t someone whose opinion even matters to me, to be frank.

45 and his enablers actually are trash-ass people, because they are actively making the quality of life on earth worse, for countless people. People who don’t tip even when they DO get good service are just cheap.

And people who don’t tip for outright bad service are just logical, IMO.


As we say in the software industry, this sounds like an implementation detail. Most people just want to pay a fair price for a safe ride somewhere and aren’t aware of the underlying politics and conflict. That sure seems like a great argument to not drive for Uber.

I’ve taken plenty of Ubers over the past few years and always kick down a few bucks in the form of a tip but 20% of the total ride? I don’t know that I’ve ever done that. And up until fairly recently, Uber didn’t even offer a way to tip drivers. I guess this makes me trash.

Projecting this much anger and vitriol on passengers who probably don’t know any better (and I’m sure there’s a few that do and are just dicks about it) doesn’t really help your case.


How much do you tip servers? I never tip a server anything less than 20%.

From here, things get a little funny…what about a buffet? You are doing about half the work, in the industry, they expect about 10% tip. They are bringing drinks and nothing more.

How much a hairstylist? Well, they are much more involved and much like a server…20% of the total bill.

Hotels for cleaning staff? $1 to $5 a night depending on the quality of the hotel. Which kinda goes along with the price you are paying.

Guess what? My day job is a white-collar worker with two grad degrees. I’ve never really had to work in the service industry. I still don’t. Again, I’m not talking about tipping ME. And yet, I know how to tip. I’d expect anyone that is on this site should be smart enough to look up tipping etiquette. I’d expect that if I found out that I wasn’t paying someone that was doing a job what they deserved…I wouldn’t get angry at the person doing the job…nor the messenger. I’d get upset with the people not paying them. You can get upset with Uber and still pay folks a fair wage.

And half the time I’m driving, if I know someone I’ll cancel the ride and get them home for free. So folks that want to pretend I’m angry for ME, okay?

You are absolutely right. I’m out here advocating for these folks. I drive less than 5 hours a week. It is fun. it isn’t a job. HOWEVER, do you also use this logic when you see poor people working in a factory:

“If you don’t like killing yourself, breaking your back, inhaling the chemicals, why don’t you just quit and get a corporate position and golf at lunch like a real person”.

Most people don’t have a choice. They do what they can to survive. But sure, keep tell those ‘poors’ how they should make their money.

I never understand how mostly progressive, educated people – as I understand the demographics of BB to be – can’t look this stuff up.

Food trucks are about a dollar an order. They aren’t getting up and delivering your food. Once your interaction is over, it is over. It isn’t the same as a server at a restaurant. And the same can be said at a counter of a coffee shop or a restaurant. If there is a tip jar there, you throw a buck or two in. Me? I generally throw at least two in both.

Again, not hard to look all this up for folks that are saying “but how should I know”…it isn’t rocket science.

Nah. Fuck that. It’s not /my/ job to pay the staff. I’ll tip when i know the business owner is fucking over his staff, but i’m not going to spend time figuring out who does and doesnt get paid. I mean … how about the guy who digs grandmas grave? Does he get a tip?

Food trucks?! Double fuck that. They’re generally operated by the owner - i am definitely not tipping them.

Its a stupid, lazy, unjust and unfair sytem, and the sooner it dies the better.


I worked as a Lyft driver for a few years, and although I consistently got good ratings, almost nobody tipped. My feelings about someone who doesn’t tip in situations where it’s clearly called for are the same as if they’d casually thrown trash on the ground, walked off without cleaning up their dog’s poop, or slapped their child in the face. Yes, tipping is a barbaric practice that ideally shouldn’t exist, but we’re stuck with it for the moment and there are certain situations where not tipping is not socially acceptable. I don’t understand how so many people, apparently the majority of them, fail to understand this utterly basic part of adult life.


No. That’s not how it works. Tipping is polite, tipping is expected. Tip people who serve you or make your own food and drive your own car. You aren’t “fixing things” by not tipping. You’re just being a bad customer.


Re: that Food Truck Tipping link:

Even if you order from a truck or cart that offers only pre-packaged food you are still expected tip at least 10%. Usually, the person that takes your order has to jump through hoops to get your order together complete with utensils, extra napkins, bags etc. They go out of their way to take care of you, so you should take care of them back.

I don’t agree with that reasoning at all. It’s not “out of their way” if it’s their job. But also, do you tip your grocery bagger? That person works way harder than someone who works at a pre-made food counter. I don’t think the tipping issue is as obvious as you’re suggesting.

Wow! I haven’t taken an Uber in years, but I tip my Lyft drivers. If I happened to take an Uber, and you happened to be my driver and said that, I would not tip you because that is so rude. Seems like you’re taking out your (justified) anger at Uber on your passengers.


I do tip^ - did you miss that point? It’s still a fucking stupid, lazy, unjust and unfair system.

Here’s a question - why do I tip the person who carries a plate from one room to another, but I don’t tip the people who actually prepared, cooked, and presented the meal? And why do United have bar staff in their lounges, whose only function appears to be to interpose themselves between me and the beer fridge - the drinks are free, so why am I giving this dink $1 to fetch bottles? Can I tip him 20% of the price I’m paying instead? 50%? Hell, make it 100%! Or better yet, since he’s adding no value GTFO and I’ll get my own damn drink.

No, tipping is fucking stupid, and just sheer laziness on the part of business owners. Raise the minimum wage to a liveable wage and fuck tipping off over the horizon.

^ when required. Astonishingly (:roll_eyes: ) most of the rest of the world manages to do just fine without it. I’m not a bad customer - Americans are bad businessmen. Try imagining a world where business owners are “polite” to their staff and pay them for the work they do, rather than impolitely shoving that business expense off onto their customers. Once you sort that out, maybe then we can talk about “politeness” and “bad customers”.


Because I can’t be bothered, honestly. I’m not petty enough to be rule bound over such stupid things. Otherwise I’d tip the food truck workers only a dollar an order.

After all, they are driving the restaurant they brought from home.


Makes me think of a bathroom attendant, who, if anyone doesn’t know, is a dude who stares at you in the men’s bathroom until you tip him.


You literally said “double fuck that” in reference to tipping and said you’d refuse to do so. Stop going to food trucks.

Many restaurants are adding gratuities to overall prices that go to the prep staff. I’m all for it.

Why? If he can’t figure out what it costs to run his business that sounds like a personal problem, not one I should burden myself with.


Until you can comprehend how to be a customer, you should stay home and stop embarrassing yourself.

If the food is ‘pre-made’…no need to tip. They are a cashier. Same as a bagger. Both are probably paid living wages. How living? Who knows. Most tipped folks make less than minimum wage.

It is not right. EVERYONE should get a living wage. The dude that works at McDonalds should be able to pay for an apartment and food on his 40 hours a week. EVERYONE should get a living wage. Folks that are being tipped, are making less than what we consider minimum with the hope that they beat the odds in tips. That said, they often don’t work for a job that guarantees this minimum wage – because in America, very few folks can live on this.

“I let them know — not only is it NOT optional” – I wrote the wrong thing in my haste. It was supposed to be NOT included.

Again, I don’t get upset if someone doesn’t tip me…I do expect them to tip other drivers. My tip jar clearly states that any tips will be donated to a charity of my choice – I’m on the board of two – and about the only time I empty it out is to buy supplies for my orgs. For me? Uber is Lego money.And it is something to do for a few hours on Friday and Saturday to have an excuse not to go drinking with my friends. I was…am…an alcoholic and haven’t drank in a few years. Actually, I stopped drinking at the same time I started driving. So for me, I’m not angry at my passengers. I am, however, angry at folks that should be smarter but then use every excuse not to tip those that need it.

I have a 4.95 rating on Uber, so I don’t think folks think I’m rude. In fact, if I have to explain this to passengers, I tell them to keep their tip and give it to the next driver…“or not because I’ll never know” and tell them that I don’t want them to make them feel guilty about tipping me. The rest of you? Yeah, don’t care!

BTW I drive both services, I use Uber just so I don’t have to say Uber AND Lyft in every sentence. They are pretty much the same at this point…one is nicer about screwing over their drivers than the other.

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Oh dear. Don’t let @nungesser hear you …

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We may just have different opinions on what is pre-made. That said, I dropped $2 in the jar at Chipotle a bit ago and I know they are given a better than minimum wage. I also know they deserve to be paid much more. If my average meal went up $2 and all these folks got a $5 hour raise as a result…I’m not going to complain.

Have you never worked in a supermarket?

A bagger is not like a cashier, and neither one makes a living wage. Baggers actually get paid slightly less than minimum wage, because it’s minimum wage with uniform cost and training fees and union dues and other bullshit taken out.

Besides, it’s not even an option to tip a cashier or a bagger. There are no tip jars. And if you try to slip the bagger a fiver, you might get that bagger fired.

Baggers get treated like dirt, and it’s really an injustice that you can’t tip them, but unfortunately that’s the case.


I’ve come across a slightly worse situation for US baggers; these folks were only paid in tips. No wages at all.

I was talking about the US.