Oops! Dianne Feinstein begins to give a speech rather than simply voting "aye" (video)

Term limits also would require a constitutional amendment. And if you think that’s an easy thing to do in our current political climate, I’m not really sure what to say. The last amendment ratified was the 27th in 1992. And that amendment had been introduced in 1789, so it took awhile to get it ratified. And that’s not a typo. It took 203 years to be ratified. And it wasn’t even particularly controversial. The most recent amendment to be introduced that was actually ratified was the 26th, which lowered the voting age to 18. In the current political climate of the US, whichever party introduces an amendment will find that amendment immediately opposed by the other party, who will proceed to start up their propaganda machine to convince half the American public that it’s a terrible idea. Personally, I would oppose a term limit amendment. We have regularly scheduled elections for the House and Senate. We can vote people out every two years or six years, respectively. We just need to exercise that ability more often. And term limits could force out someone who is really, really good and has a ton of experience. We’ve had term limits for President since 1951, and it didn’t stop us from electing Richard Nixon and Donald Trump. Term limits aren’t going to magically fix these problems.


Yep. Biden served 7(!) Terms in the Senate starting in 1972. And that was before serving 2 terms as VP. Even if many people think he may be a little too old to be an effective president for another 4 years, forcing him into political retirement back in 1990 certainly seems like it would have been a bit premature.

Regarding a constitutional amendment, at least 15 or so sitting senators have already served 3 or more terms, and quite a few that haven’t been there as long probably would like to run again, or are at least friends/allies with some long-serving Senators. So getting the votes of 2/3rds of the Senators seems like quite a lift even if that were all that was required to pass an amendment.


Term limits or not she cannot do her job. She needs to leave. Take her badge away and let her legislative assistant take over.

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Well said.

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As the bureaucrats totter, so totters the bureaucracy. The mask/persona that politicians and other camera-facing professionals learn to wear and become is, to me, kinda creepy. But to see the mask removed only to reveal nothing underneath is downright chilling.


look, I respect my elders and all, but these are the same folks who couldn’t program the clock on the VCR back in 1982 and they’re STILL in the job.

I’d be in favor of public cognitive tests. Not necessarily binding, but at least giving the voters some information on the mental capacity of their elected seniletors.


Absolutely not. No one voted for her legislative assistant. It’s bad enough that her aides are likely doing her job for her unofficially, but making it official doesn’t make it any better.


Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV ?


face velvet church daisy red

The term limit could be made that works only on cosecutive terms, so after two terms in senate one could try the house, or do something else and then try again after five years.


So basically what every politician does when given a live microphone: they use it to grandstand, push their agenda, and basically do everything except answer what was asked of them.


I was thinking Soylent Green, but yours is better.


@MBrody @west

You do realize that those could be easily combined, right?


Of course in the book, it was 21. :anguished: The background also included how an increasing young population managed to shift the voting age down and bring about the downfall of civilization. :roll_eyes:



I imagine a lot of the staffers/lobbyists/dark money interests don’t want to lose the power they’ve established and can probably create a pretty strong echo chamber, especially for someone too old to use a computer.


I’d like to see term limits. While that wouldn’t stop some races (like the current and most recent presidential ones), it would mean McConnell would have a different job, instead of being in office since 1984!

And Feinstein since 1992!


May I make a modest proposal?


This sort of thing is prone to backfire more often than not.


Renew! Renew! Renew!