Open source clones of classic video games

Originally published at: Open source clones of classic video games - Boing Boing


Excuse me for a moment while I simp for probably the best version of Elite (and it’s remakes/clones) in the Cooperative. (And that includes Elite Dangerous.)

Oolite has come a long, long way, and there are a huge number of mods, skins, and other add-ins (missions, flavor, etc.) that can all be put in- so much so that members of that community have built a launcher to help manage game versions and the expansion packs.

it’ll run on low spec hardware (I have a Thinkpad T410 that it’ll run on, just… not well, due to the built-in GPU of that system), and the save game files are cross-platform compatible. (meaning that you can park the save files in a cloud-synced folder and have the same saved game available anywhere)

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to schlep my mixed load of cargo from this industrial world to an agricultural world, and not get blasted by the Thargoids in the process.


Trying to understand the web site.
Are the games available for download and playing on Windows platforms?
If so, how?

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