Or the alleviative liquids shown in the vid.
Just because a bunch of MAGA morons were ready and willing to burn everything down doesn’t mean anyone had a well thought-out plan for what to replace it with. As far as Putin’s goals went all he really cared about was weakening the United States on the world stage, so creating chaos by helping put Trump in office was a win in itself.
The attack on the Capitol doesn’t really even require any kind of major conspiracy, just a bunch of delusional fuckups primed into action by four years of rhetoric by a criminally incompetent cult leader.
Probably not. You don’t want to train people in how to do things that you don’t want them doing.
I should have added /s
He wouldn’t have needed to do that. Just delaying the election certification too far would have pushed it to the states’ delegates of the house and senate, which, absolutely would have selected Trump and Pence again.
This is my understanding as well. There are some of the guys I grew up with who became cops (weirdly, the psycho little kid with a “little man” complex, and the huge bully kid… go figure…), and I know they like to talk about having been pepper sprayed. I figure it’s pretty much hazing by the older cops under the guise of knowing what you’re putting others through. Also, I think that knowing how much suffering it causes is a positive point for most of these guys. In most cases these sprays seem to be being used punitively, not as a last resort measure before having to shoot someone.
NYT article didn’t even mention that part. wtf is wrong with reporters today? That’s so clearly the most important part, otherwise it’s “oops I left the door open for a second”
Trying to find another door to unlock.
Two questions:
- What was that officer doing kneeling by the interior door starting around 4:25?
- When the police finally gained control over the doorway and immediate exterior, why didn’t they shut the door then?
And he (and his followers) didn’t have a plan for that, either.
Well, no Trump wasn’t in command of anything including his own faculties, but Trump’s allies either a) didn’t want a civil war themselves, or b) wanted one, but had no idea what to do with one. All sorts of MAGAts have been wanting a “civil war” for a while, but their thinking amounts to, “do something to spark a civil war… something something (the country rises up to support us)… we win.” They haven’t remotely thought it through or have a realistic notion of what it would entail. At all. It’s downright comical. And Russia? Putin is just happy with chaos.
Yeah, he made it clear from the start that he had no plans nor any interest in even being involved in planning. (Honestly, I suspect this is true of him even as a businessman, which is - supposedly - his wheelhouse. It would explain why he’s so bad at everything but fraud and money laundering.)
This was being discussed ahead of January 6th, but some convincing arguments were made that it wouldn’t work like that. Also, I’m just not sure Trump could have gotten away with declaring martial law using a riot he openly organized in the first place as justification.
Well on the extreme fringes, there are those that regard The Turner Diaries as a planning document. But even they have “God-fearing white people rise to support us,” rather than “Most Americans recoil in horror.” as a step. But for run of the mill Quidiots “The Plan,” was simply “something something” given a name. We’ll get to the capital and something will happen or we’ll be told what to do. Mobs of people that don’t have a plan are unstable and can be stirred into violence. Because even if most of them weren’t planning for violence from the get go, the ones that were planning, were planning violence.
im curious if they are going to tack on felony murder charges for those dead police…
because you can absolutely be charged with murder without having done the deed personally.
That’s how it’s worked the other times we’ve had situations like this (or where an election could not be certified fully) happened.
Granted, it didn’t happen often, but it definitely has happened that the states delegates picked.
There were no dead police in the Oregon capitol situation if I recall.
and that’s absolutely the point of the new georgia law. allow the legislature to step in and override the voters if the voter suppression parts ( like kicking people out of line who are waiting to vote ) don’t take.
im sooo curious who the next republican presidential candidates will be. ( though the real fight continues to be the senate )
Oh, I do. I think that was the ultimate goal, because if a president who lost re-election ended up being president, and some large number of the opposition party HAD been killed, that’s exactly what’s happening there. They want a one party state under Trump.
And we need to stop thinking it takes some far reaching, deep thinking, strategic planning to pull that shit off. It merely takes a willingness to break the rules, to strong arm people using force, and some sort of military force behind you, and enough of the population who will go along and even support it.
Except for the parts of government (like ICE) that would back Trump…
that’s more than bad enough.
We don’t know that either way, though.
For some, it would create it for others, because that’s always the case in war. Someone is going to make bank off of war. Always.
No one needs to do that, though.
The guys with civil war shirts seemed to a bit at least.
He was still in touch with Bannon.
A large number of the participants who had ties to the more organized group have read that book, too. William Pierce wrote it as a guide. It’s more than enough to get people started.
That’s actually something different that comes down to the fact that the state legislatures are responsible for picking the president. (They just go to people’s votes now.)
What I was speaking of was the process that happens if a president elect cannot be selected by the Electoral college electors. If that happens, then the congress critters vote for the president and vice president by states delegations. In this case, even now, the republicans control the house and senate with regards to each state getting a single vote. So they would choose the president and vice president.
Oh there was a desire for a coup led by Trump. And for many the idea was that he would create a white ethno-state. But to say that they had a PLAN would be very charitable.
The real question is where would the military fall? I don’t THINK that Trump would be able to keep the military on his side, robbing the military budget to build his wall was NOT a move a smart dictator wannabe would have chosen. If it came down to a fight between ICE and the Army, the civil war would be over quickly. Of course Trump doesn’t NEED the army on his side, just staying in their barracks and off of the streets might be enough. And next time somebody might manage that.