Orlando mass shooter visited gay clubs, used gay dating apps

I see that you have never sat through a committee meeting.

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In the clip you linked, he then went on to very specifically state the definition of “terrorism” he was talking about and the reason he was not sure “yet” whether it was an act of terrorism under that definition. Perhaps that context matters just a bit.


Obviously deep cover. I mean, it has to be teh Muzlamic Terror, not just fucked-up horribleness. Has to be.


I know a trans woman who is former SAS and has been queer bashed, so I hope you don’t mind if I don’t believe that.

Otherwise the Pink Pistols sound interesting, they recognise that you can be pro gun and anti NRA at the same time.


What on Earth makes you think they’re anti-NRA? 'cuz they’re not.

This is only of interests to US intelligence agencies which will announce the new anti-terror butt plug.

I never said they were anti-NRA as an organisation. just that they recognise that their members might be.


I think he is saying that being armed or trained in self defense doesn’t exclude you from getting bashed.

So yes, that is true. Nothing will keep you safe 100% of the time. Being armed and trained in self defense or even just big and strong can keep you safer than the alternative.

I think they recognize that they and the NRA can agree on gun rights, even is some NRA members are anti-gay.

FWIW, the stereotype that the NRA is only racist homophobes is just that. There are a lot of libertarian minded people who fully support gay and minority rights as well as the right to bear arms. And the NRA has countered many gun control schemes specifically targeted at minorities. If they were as racists as some want to paint then, they would be ok with all the schemes cooked up to keep guns out of the hands of the “wrong” people, such as Sheriff approval for a pistol permit, the DC law that was repealed, etc.

It also doesn’t preclude his having acted on behalf of the dinosaurs to avenge their extinction.


Yes, but I would guess that if we were to try to prevent this happening again, we should spend very few resources on the paleontologist threat, especially with this shooter leaving little clues to his motivation such as his post “now taste the Islamic State vengeance.”

Right now in Seattle an armed man is barricaded in as SWAT tried to negotiate. It never stops… :expressionless:


at least he hasn’t opened fire…yet.
MrsTobinL has the police scanner going.


Please tell me he is barricaded alone and doesn’t have hostages? I didn’t have the heart to read further to see.

Update: He is in custody.




It’s the fight to prevent mass murder. It’s inherently political why this happens in the US, and attempts to depoliticize this is itself a political move to serve your personal interests. Thanks for your “helpful” concern but no thanks to your attempts to avoid discussing firearms in American society.

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And yet he’s just an isolated self hating crazy with no ties trying to lash out, so far as anyone knows.

Because you have to say the words for the voodoo to work.


Tell a lie enough times…


It’s still a lie, but gullible people are more likely to believe it.

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So he would be an excellent candidate for recruitment by some sort of cult or terrorist group. I think it is pretty obvious from past cases that they rarely recruit western citizens who are well adjusted, self confident, and happy.