Own a featureless Soviet landline phone with no dial

An aged relative of mine had a phone with no dial in the UK in the 1980s- if I remember correctly, it automatically dialled her daughter when she picked it up. Another relative had a phone line for incoming calls only, though I think they had a non-functional rotary dial on theirs.
This one was presumably set up to connect automatically to an operator:


Dr Strangelove__Doctor__Pick numer three_phixr

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You sent me down a rabbit hole of wanting to know more about this phone!

Turns out it is the CB version of another common Soviet phone. So-called “CB” phones (short for Central Battery) are single-line, self-contained, point-to-point systems used in special situations, such as between a security office and the main gate of a compound, that sort of thing. They are the high tech version of two cans on a string.


(For the record, I like Rob’s explanation better. :grin:)


That’s what she said.


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