Oxytocin spray makes men eat less

All you need is love.

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Trick question.

The correct answer is to eat both meals including the flower.


I think you misread the name of the substance. Oxytocin is a hormone, whereas you’re thinking of Oxycontin (the addictive drug).


You joke, but some flowers are quite tasty. I highly recommend flor de calabaza quesadillas, if you can find them.


Huh. Where does one buy oxytocin spray?

The only one I can find is homeopathic (as in, probably just water).


There appears to be this one as well.

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Sure, it’s great for your diet. But at what cost? Enhanced empathy and pair-bonding? Greater likelihood of nurturing one’s offspring and participating in group social dynamics?! NO THANK YOU MA’AM!


I’d be willing to bet Oxytocin is also habit forming.

I have no clue what makes a breakfast masculine or feminine (unless you’re talking about anthropomorphic breakfast food) but I have no clue what part of that second meal is supposed to be and the pancakes with berries sound delicious.

Remember that story about the horribly expensive brownie that you’re supposed to eat while someone stands next to you and mists your tongue with port wine? Maybe this is just the next logical step.

Oxytocin Its not a toxin and its not related to opiates in anyway. AND ITS IN YOU RIGHT NOW. Its a reproductive hormone that does all sorts of crazy things.

Which is what makes me think its a really bad idea to use it as an appetite suppressant.


One reminder on this as a cure all, or spurious use:


"On the other hand, oxytocin also reinforces social bonds at the expense of strangers—research indicates that oxytocin encourages ethnocentric favoritism.

A new study published in today’s Nature Neuroscience states that oxytocin, so crucial to strengthening social bonds, can also strengthen traumatic memories and raise future fear and social anxiety."

More specifically:
linked to from the above 2013 article

Human ethnocentrism—the tendency to view one’s group as centrally important and superior to other groups—creates intergroup bias that fuels prejudice, xenophobia, and intergroup violence.

I think, but am not entirely sure that this is now seen not as specifically “ethnocentric”, but is group centric, in general. [That is post 2013 studies] This 2013 thesis seems based on noticing what probably all have noticed, if you have sex with someone you might tend to favor the groups or group that someone represents, and so not favor groups that are dramatically different from that group. Especially strong in romantic love situations, where oxytocin dosing is probably especially strong.

Sorry I did look at the Oxytocin article but my reply here I misspelled it as Oxycontin.

Squash flowers may be a delicacy, but the real reason to eat them is self-defense, because otherwise they’ll turn into way more zucchini than you actually wanted.


The pastel blue breakfast food is for boys, obviously. The pink breakfast food is for girls.

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I’ve seen a lot of things that reliably get people to eat less for one meal that don’t translate into eating less overall (like drinking more water). I suspect this will fall into that category.

less-than strike greater-than.

Also, it should be obvious a man-sized breakfast is a breakfast as big as a man. Start with about 500 eggs and go from there. I don’t see why you feminists have to second-guess everything.


toxin? Try again.

You guys.

Yeah, I know. It’s hard to say you made a mistake.

But this is the internet, so, my manners matter more than yours.

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Well according to advertisers it must include yogurt, the dairy substance men not know of.

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