Panera Bread to "phase out" caffeine-infused Charged Lemonade after deaths

It’s funny how it’s always the restaurants that have scientifically illiterate advertising campaigns against GMOs always seem to be the ones that kill you with their beverages or have e-coli in the lettuce.


So this stuff only has caffeine? I assumed that it was alcoholic as well.
Maybe some tonic wine would make people feel better?

(Bucky only has 240ml of caffeine)


I would argue that you drink too slowly and/or don’t make the coffee hot enough in the first place…

…but really I expect you brew at the temperature you enjoy, and that you drink it at the speed you enjoy.

So yeah, the smaller cup seems like a better idea then insisting you enjoy things the exact same way I do (also: the Calamityware mug is available in a smaller size, if you decided it is cool looking)


I misread that as “I RESPECT that you brew at the temperature you enjoy.”

Pity that I seem to have been mistaken.


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