Passengers on Canada's hammer-style ride get stuck upside down for half and hour (video)

Originally published at: Passengers on Canada's hammer-style ride get stuck upside down for half and hour (video) | Boing Boing


(I’m not clicking that. I fear you may never give me up.)

Not having an “override - return to start and then stop RIGHT NOW!” button for this ‘amusement’ seems a tad anti-H&S?


I’m guessing this just means that it needed to swing back and forth a few times to bleed off energy (as this style of ride is designed to do) rather than immediately rotate down and come to a stop.

Sounds like a rough time though. Hopefully these passengers were well compensated by the park.

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That there is a quartet of axis-swinging double-bladed axes.


Once you start the wash cycle, you’ve got to wait it out, at least until the water drains out. :smile:


Fortunately, passengers eventually made it back to the ground in once piece at about 11:05 p.m.

Let’s celebrate! Soda pop and funnel cakes for everyone! :nauseated_face:


Looks like you preemptively gave my Hammer Time joke the ax. I’m sure the BBS at large appreciates it.


We’ve always got time for the Hammer. Go for it.

Turns out you can’t even buy a double bladed axe any longer, so no wonder at the
hatchet job. (Carla - I don’t mean to maul you - just a vehicle for the pun!)

Canadian Tire

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Park was quoted as saying “Sorry!”

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I think Hammer Time has passed :sweat_smile:

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Yikes. Being fully upside down isn’t just scary and uncomfortable - it’s downright dangerous. It can kill you. It greatly increases blood pressure in the brain and can cause it to hemorrhage - which is why they don’t recommend doing it for more than a few minutes.

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