Passing the D20: The BBS is Leveling Up with New Moderators

You seem to be implying the new Moderators would not be impartial and that you have a problem with a particular fellow user.

Do you think this discussion is going well?


And what ā€œpositionā€ is that?

Itā€™s okay to say it. You donā€™t need to say whoā€™s between voicing that position.


This would probably be a better fit for the Griping about moderation topic. Iā€™m willing to listen to your thoughts on whatever the issue is.

We were chosen for this responsibility because our Flags were often agreed with-- in other words, we already appeared to understand the principles of moderation on the BBS, as estabished by our amazing Orenwolf. Iā€™m also aware that weā€™re going to have to prove that we can live up to those principles. I can only promise that I take this new role very seriously, and Iā€™m going to do the best I can to be fair and as objective as possible in this new role.


This! My choices werenā€™t random. Having Moderators whoā€™s flags showed that they ā€œgot itā€ was key to this decision, and Iā€™m happy to say that more than a week into this brave new world they have proven themselves up for the task.

While I fully expect moderation to be ā€œdifferentā€ with more moderators from diverse backgrounds, this is also likely to result in better moderation as a result, since I, too am only human. I have blind spots and prejudices no matter how hard I try to avoid them. More folks with the same moderation goals in mind means better moderation, and I have complete faith in the team here, especially after seeing them in action.


Iā€™m so curious, too! I have one suspicion, but itā€™s probably wrongā€¦I hope @LutherBlisset will feel comfortable enough to share, either here or on the griping thread.
Luther: either way, you should flag that stuff when you see it. Itā€™s part of what helps keep this place nice to visit.


You can flag as ā€œsomething elseā€ and include an explanation of why you believe that it violates the guidelines. You may not get a detailed explanation of why it does or does not violate the guidelines, but youā€™ll get an answer from whether or not your flag is upheld.


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