Pay What You Want: Game Developer Bundle

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I’m a dev of sorts.

Tell me simply. Does this come with links to specific versions of free (or at least licensed-with-the-bundle tools)?

Walkthrough videos are not without value, but when you pay for such knowledge you really need the ability to download the specific versioned tools in question to be able to get going with the fewest roadblocks.

Sure, later on future versions of tools will break your stuff. You will be wiser by then. You, FSM willing, will be richer by then to pay for the full versions of them.

But fucking christ, if you have a game dev bundle, your shit better have sample code that anyone can download and run without modification, and it just fucking works. It is unacceptable to sell a product that is knowledge that works perfect on 4.5, and when the consumer buys it has 1000 issues when trying the same thing on 4.6 (note: .Net versioning here is not accidental).

Does this bundle pass this test? Tell me simply.

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