PayPal pauses payouts to PornHub porn models

That’s infuriating. The anarcho-capitalist myth that customers can just switch to a competitor belies that fact that many industries are dominated through regulatory capture and monoculture by deeply anti-competitive oligopolies intent on wielding de facto power over the working classes who have little to no recourse or alternatives. And some people wonder why democratic socialism is starting to sound good to a lot of younger Americans. I’m not a demsoc but even I’m not gullible enough to back Goliath over David.


I’m somewhat boggled by the idea of over100,000 currently working porn performers linked to a single website.


Among their many lesser assholery, PayPal stopped refunding fees for refunded transactions.

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that’s a lot of jobs


I believe that the rule is you’re not supposed to use paypal to pay for your patreon bill if you subscribe to anything 18+. If you do subscribe to 18+ material, you have to use a credit card. They don’t actually verify this afaik though.


Jinx: Provide pitcher of pop posthaste, please.

O, perfidious poster! (Perceptive point.)


PayPal poppycock!


Since a government controlled system would ever do exactly this to people doing things they don’t approve of. Like, say, selling weed.

And it would never be unaccountable enough to keep doing it even if the majority of people thought it should be legal.

At least in this case PayPal is opening the way for a competitor to take their market share by being less shitty.

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Given the choice between an un-elected private tyranny and a quasi-democratic, publicly accountable system, I’ll take the latter every time.


You missed the part where I provided a specific example I’d the quasi-democratic government not being any more publicly accountable than PayPal.

Personally, I’ll take neither. The idea that the government (even if ostensibly accountable to the people) should have control over who can make payments to who is just as bad as having some corporate asshole do it.

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Have a great time in the gultch! Just kidding. I am sympathetic to your position - broadly speaking, I don’t trust the government either, especially regarding your example of the war on drugs, but I would rather work on making the systems more just than handing control over to giant cartels…

Not by a long shot. The difference is that with the government you at least know where they stand and have a system of recourse if they act outside those strictures. It also can provide protections from those who would defraud you by removing them from the marketplace for the public good. With the private tyranny, you have ever-changing “terms of service” and forced, binding-arbitration. They have little incentive to crack down on fraud if it’s not in their interest.

Corporations aren’t accountable, and you can’t assume that if they behave badly some other private tyranny will come along to provide better services, since many markets have been completely dominated by oligopolies/monopolies (a failure of government IMO). Our current government is only marginally accountable and badly broken, but I would rather have some democratic power than none.


In which case it should be “PayPal pauses pornHub porn performer payouts”. Can’t have that lingering extra letter in there :slight_smile:


I didn’t even mention above that during this rigamarole I signed up for Money Gram as an alternative. When I tried to send money with the app the first time it said I had to go to a physical store. The next day I did so and sent the money no problems. Later I tried to open the app to check on the status and I couldn’t login. When I searched online I found that people blocked by Money Gram lose their ability to login. Versus WU that lets you login and even continues to send you spam saying to come use the service, despite the fact the transfers won’t go through.

I’m using a third service now, fearful each transfer might fail.


Spoken like a subject.

I would say that the US laws preventing banks from providing services to weed sellers provide a very close parallel to this case with PayPal, and , given that the fact that it’s a law eliminates even the possibility of a competitor providing the services, it’s even worse. Your claim thst it is somehow more accountable is at best aspirational, since that accountability has not manifested yet. I would say that giving a government more power is never a way to make it more accountable.

I’m not defending PayPal here at all, I’m just pointing out that your assertion that having the government control this is better is based on wishful thinking, not reality.

The problem, either way, is centralization and monopoly. We should replace the private monopoly with a decentralized system, not a government monopoly.

When people post shit like this, it’s time to log off for the day.


The missed opportunity of “Paypal Stiffs PornHub Models” just hit me. Could’ve been a newsie in a previous life.


why is this post flagged?!?

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i was told it was off topic. i sent a reply on the thread in messenger and didn;t hear anything, and honestly i didn’t care enough to raise a fuss

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