Pennsylvania state lawmaker hints at running over protesters

That’s some really neat fight choreography for the time; especially the move at around 10 seconds in. All in two takes too; or one with a cut.

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No matter how you slice it, this person harbors murder fantasies and is now indicating his willingness to act upon them. Perhaps a 24 hour psych hold and evaluation is in order.


Saying that he hints at running over protesters is letting him off too easily. He’s gone beyond hinting or even implying and said that under the right circumstances–circumstances which he feels he can determine–he’ll commit vehicular homicide.

I’d like to see him asked to explain what he considers “negative intentions”. Most bullies of his ilk are quick to back down when confronted with the implications of what they’re saying.


I’m no lawyer, but doesn’t his statement sound like if he ever carried out this threat inside the US it would satisfy the US Code definition (section 2331) for “domestic terrorism”?

Involves acts dangerous to human life? Hitting someone with a car is definitely dangerous to human life.

Appears to be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population? I would CERTAINLY feel intimidated by someone trying to run me over.

Occurs primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States? Well, I assumed that when I said “carried out this threat inside the US”. If not, it would be “international terrorism” by the same section of the US code.

He might try to get out of it citing section 2337, but then we’d have/get to ask what part of his official capacity or legal authority involves mowing down civilians.


Now that running over people as a form of political protest is becoming the new normal, it will certainly make the transition to self-driving cars much easier to make.


You’re absolutely right, and people who’ve done this have been charged with terrorism, sometimes. I wasn’t trying to excuse his behavior, only to explain it.


how fitting that a lawmaker is establishing his own premeditation ahead of the eventual murder charge.


I would assume that he thinks “protester” always equals “rioter.” That’s about the only sense I can make of his posting that video.


Fox News has been telling people for years that “liberals are the real terrorists.

Don’t forget that the NRA has jumped on that bandwagon too.

I’m no lawyer, but doesn’t his statement sound like if he ever carried out this threat inside the US it would satisfy the US Code definition (section 2331) for “domestic terrorism”?

But if the rubes like this guy believe the demonizing of the ‘other side’ propaganda, then it goes without saying that they see themselves as the real freedom fighters protecting 'Merica from the demonized ‘left’. Of course, the rule of law against his stated actions still come into play and he’ll face the concequences of his actions - until the laws are changed which some are attempting to do.


Well, yeah. It’s morality based on who you are, not on what you do. They are Real True Americans, therefore Good, and thus everything they do is also Good. Whereas the Dirty Brown Foreign Terrorist People are inherently Bad, and everything they do is Bad even if it is the exact kind of stuff they fantasize about.

(The terrorists driving cars and trucks into crowds are bad, of course, but not for the reasons the RTAs feel they are.)



Christ, what an asshole.
Christ, what an asshole.
Christ, what an asshole.
Christ, what an asshole.

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I sure hope so. What keeps coming to mind are the topsy-turvy times we now live in. Right is wrong. Biases and hatred are celebrated.

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My folks now live in PA. Believe me; the PSA would more likely reward him with a motorcade when on his way to pick up the groceries.


Reginald Denny is a fucking saint.

Well, I’m sure he’s a flawed human being just like the rest of us. But he is a good fucking guy.

The rep is a terrorist. Put him on a list and prosecute him.

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Feel free to be a TGOP douche bag Mr. Bernstine.


But I suppose that was technically a protest as well.

(The GIF is easy to find and I almost posted it here, but that would be of highly questionable taste, and you can just click through for the video anyway.)


Another legislator terrorist imitating golf ball in the back Trump.

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