People who used Marie Kondo's tidying method years ago are happy they did

I began purging my belongings and decluttering my living space back in the late 1990s. Since, then I have regularly decluttered every few years. I also make it a practice to take time before bringing any new items into my life or space. The result is my living space is quite open, easy to clean, aesthetically pleasing, and welcoming. As well, my life does not revolve around the acquisition of more objects.

I too used to live an ascetic life of fulfillment. Then I had kids and took a mighty tumble off my high horse.


Totally irresponsible. With that kind of attitude, vital items like Berwhale, the Avenger. the weapon of the Chosen One, will end up in a landfill.
And we’ll have no chance whatsoever that one day we shall be delivered from the reign of Pewnack, the Destroyer, the Dark One, the Beast, ever.
Oh, but your attic, your cellar, your garage, your bloody garden shed shall be uncluttered and neat and tidy. Well, thanks a lot, yobbo!


Everybody has too much shit. Put all of one type of your belongings in one place and marvel at how many you have. Then discard all that are not meaningful to you. Presto your house is less cluttered and you have only that which you value. She is legit crazy but the system, it works.

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Yeah, Germany has its own decluttering guru with more or less the same approach. Decluttering by tossing out clothes you haven’t worn in over a year. No, don’t think you’ll fit in it one day. If it’s a keepsake, okay, but things like those spare buttons? The serial adapters to the USB mice that you keep pushing into the back of the drawer? All the little stuff we save because it might be useful, not because we have memories associated with it? That’s what this is geared to.

And yeah, I have a BILLY dedicated only to GURPS and other RPG stuff. No way am I tossing that, even if I never play, because it does bring me joy every time I look at it.
Okay, a little dread as well because it reminds me of my unfinished GURPS Dragonlance conversion, but that’s my masochistic guilty pleasure. Fnord.

EDIT: the guy’s name is Tiki Küstenmacher, a guy otherwise known for doing cartoons for Lutheran publications.

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I wrote my comment from a chair, not a high horse.

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