Pfizer Covid vaccine "90% effective"

Remove the question mark and we’re there. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Truer, IMHO.

Probably rubble, but maybe you think they will all ditch their dollars for other currencies? :wink:
(Sorry. Open goal. Pedant Pendant in action.)


90% effective ==> 10% will die, right?

I hope there was a /s missing from that comment.


Assuming that we’ll be allowed to enter another country, since we’re coming from the United States of Infection.

Yes, it doesn’t work unless there is certification.

I like the idea of interaction being allowed once vaccinated, but it fails unless it’s definite.

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Rubble, yes. But it was such an obvious typo I’d have been disappointed if someone hadn’t riffed on it.


10% will get infected. A subset of them will die.

There is a strong case for vaccinating those most vulnerable to death from COVID 19 first, then working down the scale.


Is there any modeling showing what the R value might be if X% of the population got the Y% effective vaccine, compared to the current situation?

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And this is the main problem in places like Tijuana, because it really seems that half the population thinks the virus is a hoax, they have God on their side, or even worse…they think machismo will get them through it. There is also the possibility it might not be free in a developing country, which would put off many people. My only saving grace is that I’m a US citizen and can go to the community clinic across the border.


You’re counting on GOP-led state governments going along with “national policy” on COVID?

In general I agree with this line of thinking about local GOP. But as COVID continues to spike in their backyards and trump is now too busy losing to care about COVID or what they do. I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t quietly shift to doing what they should have done 9+ months ago before this was turned polical. But it is a death cult, so if they just double down on anti-health ideology I won’t be shocked either.


The stock market upswing probably had something to do with Trump being evicted from public housing.


No. 90% effectiveness, if it bears up (preliminary data, cannot make any decisions based on this) plus good vaccine acceptance equals real herd immunity. And like with polio, diphtheria and tetanus, vaccines with similar effectiveness, it fades into history


The -80C thing is a complication but not really that big of a deal.

Dry ice is that temperature, and you can get it at every grocery store around here.

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What are the chances that Germany or Europe would allow someone from the US to fly in?

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The state governments (including the GOP ones) are getting desperate. They may call it all a liberal hoax, but they know damn well how many people it is killing in their states, and the the political fall-out that will happen if they just let it decimate their populations.


Thank you for your explanation.

The German government will vaccinate the German population at public expense. I can’t believe that it would allow vaccine doses to be bought and sold privately.