Photo of a man with a peg leg, a monkey, and a parrot

Is reproducing a picture of a pirate without attribution meta-piracy?


Was this in a museum or library collection? It looks like a CDV or cabinet card, which should have the name of the photographer or studio on the cardboard backing. If this particular subject was part of a circus there may have been other copies printed, but if not your best bet for a reproduction would be to reach out to whoever owns this card to start with. Some of this stuff is really collectible, but thereā€™s a lot of it out there (youā€™d be surprised how many awesome animal tintypes and CDVā€™s are out there when you start looking), so unless thereā€™s some particular historical value or itā€™s part of an existing archive itā€™s probably not digitized. If you have any information about its provenience you might be able to locate a collector or historian who is knowledgeable about the photographer or the time/place it was taken.

This isnā€™t a bad place to start doing a little bit of research if youā€™re interested in this or similar:

Unless the monkey was provided by the photographer (short, heavy chain is some evidence to that), the gentleman may have been an organ grinder, (though I would have expected a longer, lighter chain).

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ā€¦ and thatā€™s all I needā€¦ this monkey, this peg leg and this parrotā€¦ and this paddle game! thatā€™s all I need!


Hmmm. All I see is a photo of a parrot, a man with a peg leg, and a monkey.

Thatā€™s not his foot. Thatā€™s a very gifted boy.

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