Piketty on the "Brahmin left" and the "merchant right"

okay, i relent.

still, if anyone fits that bill, it’s the educated white folks. where else did libertarians come from? or the belief that we are post-racism? neither of these were the province of the working class; that’s all from college-educated whites.

the magical thinking is that economic policy will fix social ills. that it’s possible to have virtue without actually confronting pain.

perhaps people are finally waking up to the realization that corporate capitalism won’t work; but it’s all inception out in there. a con within a con. b/c politics is not an economic issue at its heart. not in america at least.

for sure. the failures of the policies are always placed at the feet of someone else. you don’t need someone to blame when times are good after all.

vis a vis: the rubes.

  1. middle class whites still believe that economics will fix america’s problems
  2. middle class whites still think they are not the ones to blame.

the rubes are always someone else.

initially, the only representation was for people who were white. and that’s remained true in many areas even until now.

how can any sound analysis of american voting patterns not start there?