Playmobil's political incorrectness

It’s only modern era guns they avoid. Pirates, space, western, and so on have had guns for as long as I’ve been alive.

Well, this topic has certainly been interesting to think about. I was inspired to do some research on Playmobil’s founder and his philosophy. I encourage parents to do their own such investigation, should they be concerned that their children’s toys be designed with some sinister agenda in mind. I found the company to be totally benign, with simple and positive motives for the choices they make. What I find even more interesting is the pathology behind the whole “political correctness” thing. It seems to me such a narrow and self serving worldview. The author of the article is certainly seeing a reflection of her own prejudices in these toys. I personally find it hard to take her views very seriously. I have lived among the families that work, alongside their children, making the T-shirts with “sustainability” slogans on them. I do not expect her to understand the vast resources and human suffering that are needed globally to support her lifestyle. I generally keep my observations to myself. But every once in a while a read an article like this one, and I just have to say something.


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