Plumbing systems at SF's Millennium Tower show signs of impending doom

That is almost always the case for most large commercial developments. The three most iconic towers in my city are owned by LLCs with names that are the property address or name, but so is the nearest strip mall. It makes a lot of the shady paperwork around creating a funding stack so much easier. The process is perfectly structured for abuse, which is why everyone had to pretend to be surprised when it turned out half of downtown Cleveland was a front for Ukranian money laundering.


Work colleague of mine back when I worked for BT learnt this the hard way.

We used to work in telephone exchanges in London where half a floor is filled with a lead acid battery set that I can only describe as a small swimming pool. And the copper (+ive) and aluminium (-ive) busbars leading from them are impressively sized. Lots of current - he had a perfect annular scar around his finger, from when his wedding band shorted across and promptly melted… :fire:

Have also heard of someone who slipped while working at height, not a long way but his wedding ring got caught on a protruding nail. The expression ‘degloving’ was used :scream:


Jennifer Lawrence Oops GIF


The technical term is ‘ring avulsion’ - happened to Jimmy Fallon not too long ago.

Many people are switching to rubber or silicon wedding bands partially for this reason.

On the flip side, I worked with a guy who almost cut his hand off using a miter saw improperly. The only thing that saved half his hand was his wedding ring.


Couldna said it better m’self.

I was working on an aircraft and got my finger crushed when a gust of wind flexed the wing and crushed my finger between the engine and the maintenance stand. Only my ring finger was injured because the ring bit down into the bone. Usually I’d take off my ring but it was just after Christmas and I was too bloated to take it off. That’ll teach me a lesson.


In some countries, for showers, the cold tap is nearest the entry point.

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I saw it happen under my eyes, while in the (compulsory, at the time) military service.
We were working on a low scaffolding (< 1 m from ground - nothing “high risk”).
One of us slipped. His ring got caught in one of the joints and there his finger remained - it was not possible to reattach it.

I still remove my wedding ring whenever climbing, however minor, is needed, be it in the mountains…or changing a bulb.

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All that has already been done. There are no heads in sand here. The city is working frantically to straighten the building as we speak. The builder is already bankrupted and their insurance exceeded, so the remaining $30M estimate to fix it is, of course, on tax payers.


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