acab acab acab acab…
I first read that headline as “… was fined”, and thought to myself, hmm, that’s more punishment than they usually get.
How long until arbitration gets him his job back?
“Police officer who tased a man in a wheelchair 4 times was ONLY fired”
Note: Getting fired from one police job rarely has an effect on getting another somewhere else. It’s like how they kept reassigning pedo priests around Boston.
Sorry, I meant to say “are still reassigning pedo priests”…
At this point the problem is so pervasive in various police forces that only a very strict law about abuse under color of law is going to stop this shit.
Not just fired. How about prosecuted and gets to spend the next 5 years in gen pop? 10 if the victim suffered permanent damage.
How many days until he is hired by some other police agency?
Well, they did help him out of his wheelchair before they tazed him…
What evidence do they need? Getting tasered 5 times?
Since the victim was tasered in the first place, this demonstrates the intent to do so.
Or does the department have Magic Tasers that somehow discharge themselves with no intervention?
That syllabus needs to made public; I suspect that ‘de-escalation training’ is cursory at best.
Ah, ‘resisting arrest’… just one of several catch-alls those employees use to haul someone in with no evidence, but merely on the ‘judgement’ of the employee.
See also: ‘disorderly conduct’, ‘public intoxication’, etc.
Too bad these employees that get fired for cause don’t get blacklisted & lose their right to own firearms. They have already proven themselves to be unfit for the job.
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