Here are a few of the police reform ideas I’ve seen floating around. What others have you seen?
Community-driven police review boards
Body cams for police
Citizens filming the police (copwatching)
Police don’t carry guns (special squads e.g. SWAT still do)
Police are rotated through various locations (I saw someone here on the BBS say this happens in Germany, but don’t have any other source, so that’s quite possibly misinformation)
Changes in training (I’ve read that Dallas has been doing this, I don’t know details)
Changes in cultural values (again, maybe Dallas?)
“Community policing” (getting to know people and places)
Police live in the areas which they police
Institute no-contact fix-it tickets (ending the need for an officer to stand by the side of a car for equipment-only pullovers, e.g. taillight out)
Compiling and publishing police use of force reports and stats
Police officers must buy their own liability insurance. Repeat abusers would eventually be priced out.
Note, I’m not saying these are things that should happen. They’re just the ones I’ve seen/heard/read. What about you?