There’s a joke about an elderly monk who decides to check his order’s hand-transcribed Bibles against the original source material and ends up tearfully proclaiming “It was supposed to read ‘CELEBRATE’!”
George Costanza would like to know if sex and food and tv is also A-OK.
You do get a few married Catholic priests – converted Anglican vicars and Eastern-rite clergy.
a jug of wine, a loaf of bread - and thou
Golly…I had no idea that I’m a Catholic.
This is interesting historically. For a long, long time the Church maintained that sex was essentially bad but was necessary for marriage and for “be fruitful and multiply.” A lot of the sumptuary laws were designed to restrict what people could eat and when. The Puritans were considered radical because they believed that sex, created by God, was fundamentally good (in marriage between a heterosexual man and woman etc. etc.) For Papa Frank to say “Enjoy eating and sex, God wants you to!” is a significant departure from much of Church history.
For some ancient Egyptian deities it was definitely together:
“he who eats while he also mates”
He remains a fan of Argentine football, so there’s that. Oh, and the story that he got Benedict to watch the World Cup Finals in 2016 2014 with him are true.
Oh sure, the church supports sex, and the church supports food, but fuck just one pear and they treat you like some kind of deviant.
All of a sudden this discussion has gone pear-shaped.
And thou, and thou, and a few of y’all over there. Remember: love is a many-gendered thing.
Only in moderation:
During the history of the church I doubt that any of those in power ever went hungry and the sex is no secret. So now they’re just saying “it was OK all along, see.”
Hmmm… two of the essential things for the continuation of the species are cool with the church.
How do they feel about oxygen and water?
Catholics were always supposed to eat and procreate; the question was whether they were allowed to enjoy it.
From firsthand knowledge, I can say that being able to cook well makes you sexier.