Pope: I don't support homophobic civic layabout Kim Davis

@chgoliz Jesus! The programming runs deep.

And I think that exemplifies the central component of the story here. The personal elaboration, within the context of religious belief, of tiny amounts of spiritual information into overbearing rule-sets and mindsets which consume the individual.

A nod and a handshake, perhaps a couple of words, was all it took for Kim to receive permission from god-via-pope to completely immerse herself in her own delusions.

For sure the background environment fostered by the church and all religion is a major contributing factor to the context which enables and encourages such dubious thinking but if there is any conspiracy here, it is in the way in which groups of people encourage themselves to be manipulated by belief into confirming their preconceived biases with virtually no supporting information.


I don’t think it is the Swiss Guard’s job to vet visitors to the Pope for religious or political objections, but rather for security concerns. If she had been a member of an antipapacy group with known violent tendencies, the Swiss Guard would probably have expressed their concern or tried to veto her membership in the meet-and-greet, but they wouldn’t object simply because she isn’t Catholic, or holds public opinions that the Pope is opposed to.

Someone worked to get her there; she’s not Catholic, she’s not based in Philly. It wouldn’t surprise me if she was invited by Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York, who has long advocated for civil disobedience from Christian officials on the issue of same-sex marriage. Kim Davis seems like just the type of person he’d want to highlight. His endorsement (assuming he invited her) was probably sufficient for the vetting by the Holy See – if a Cardinal wants to invite her to a receiving line meet-and-greet, why should they say no?


not only is his former student gay, he came with his family and his husband/partner, who was introduced to the pope as such. from the story i read, the pope physically embraced each of them, and had a long discussion with them in spanish. they even posted video of it on their facebook page, apparently. EDIT: i meant to also snarkily add that i notice that there’s no video of kim davis’s “meeting” with the pope. if those two guys could film their meeting, she should have been able to film hers.


What I saw yesterday suggested it was down to this guy.


No, no, weekendlites, this won’t do. Your well-reasoned (and so-simple-they-just-may-be-true) thoughts aren’t a good fit in the knee-jerk snarky world of holier-than-thou liberals and bloodthirsty conservatives.

This moderate stance will not stand, man.

Forget for a moment that the Pope’s word is (to all true Catholics) infallible and the faithful cannot doubt him–only the political and apathetic rabble-rousers will dare to criticize his every action. Never mind that he’s extremely learned, educated and knows that his every word is said to be divinely inspired; hence his speeches and his decrees are carefully considered–for all intents and purposes they’re the word of God to millions of adherents.

Your levelheadedness is gauche and naive. IT’S THE INTERNET AFTER ALL.

Please return when you can more effectively preach to the choir. Echo the epithets; amplify the thinly-veiled hate; denounce your fellow man as ignorant, especially when he/she isn’t there to challenge your views. Hell. Denounce the Pope. I thought that’s what comment sections were for. We’re not merely men and women, but anonogods.

Get with the program.

[note: somehow deleted my own reply. argh.]


Ah! The old reddit-aniti-circle-jerk.

Not expressed all that often in these here confines.

You ain’t from around these parts, are y’boy? H’yuk!

But velcommen! I’s just joshin’ yah.


I believe they were stating that she was a part of the masses to well-wish, not someone who had more than 2 minutes speaking time.

Or was this not the case according to their statement?

Did that comment stand out as the only reasonable thing said in this thread? It seems like people saying reasonable things is something you find extremely uncommon, and you don’t see dozens of other examples above of people being reasonable.

Was @missy_pants’ quotation from and link to the vatican press release on this subject inflammatory shouting into the echo chamber? Was @RJMeelar’s suggestion that pope Francis was chosen by the cardinals to soften the image of the church but that one person doesn’t fundamentally change the nature of the organization totally out to lunch (oh, right the word “sham” was used, how ghastly!)? Was @chgoliz’ story of personally seeing the pope and what that was like the work of a person who thinks of themselves as an internet God?

Was the one reasonable comment on this thread the one you most agreed with? If so, I doubt it is a coincidence, it probably happens all the time, right?


I am pretty sure she should have talked to someone. Divorce wouldn’t have excluded her from receiving a blessing. The Pope will bless anyone - even none Catholics. I am unclear on the rules for receiving the sacrament, but if she had an abusive husband that would be a ripe candidate for annulment. Hell I just mine annulled for no good reason at all.


Dose that mater though. HE AGREES WITH HER. Even if he didn’t know who she was, it’s not like he would have excluded her.

I’m just here so I don’t get fired.

But really, I cannot abide whiny liberal circlejerk fodder just like I cannot deal with blind Obamahate®. We’ve missed an opportunity in the alternative energy sector, btw. Blind Obamahate® could have powered many parts of the nation for the past seven years at a fraction of the cost of Clean Coal™.

Anyway, probably ran my mouth unnecessarily, and in a place that seems a little more well-reasoned than reddit.


not at all, you’ll fit right in.

Mouth running is our favourite sport!


This is not a compliment. A group of kittens fighting over a saucer of cream are more well-reasoned than reddit.


Does this mean the pope is back on fleek?


I instantly thought of this. Didn’t everyone?

“a darn good bunch of fellows.” Best I can do on short notice.


It’s like the a comic I once read in MAD Magazine. A man went to the mayors office and the mayor walked by and said, “Hey, Mac. How are you doing?” The man was elated as he thought the mayor was addressing him by name and that he wasn’t some average schlub after all. The next panel showed the mayor greeting everybody that he walked past this way.


It’s not really a controversy per se. It just is illustrative of what many suspected and others didn’t want to believe. The Pope making seemingly liberal statements about not judging the gays and moving to dephasize some of the out of dates about gays women etc is really just making a public show to stop the bleeding of membership and not really working to reform the church and its pronouncements. And its worth noting that it seems impossible to be both honestly remarkably progressive and consistent to the core teachings of the church at the same time.


…I don’t see that at all.
I see some twisting of the facts by a homophobe, and the Pope shaking hands with whomever was in the room, like he does.


Actually I believe only official decries are considered infallible, if I know my Catholic bureaucratic perfection.

It’s sort of undeniable that they pope has spent considerable time moving the church towards talking about Poverty and climate while making seemingly socially accepting comments about gays, atheists, and the lot.

Then he privately meets, encourages the strength, and praises the courage a woman whose lawyer compares gays to terrorists and says their movement for rights it the work of the devil…

and a lot of other quotable things.

So it does sort of catch the infallible one in a say one thing do another situation. But who am I to point out the facts… just another crazed liberal internet commentor on a screed.

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The meeting was orchestrated with quite a bit of subterfuge.

She didn’t just wonder over and reach over a rope line.