Porn video shot in public library upsets citizens

Bookman the library cop is likely on the beat.

That episode of Seinfeld broke the stereotype of the librarian, though likely created a new stereotype. There is librarian porn.

There was also a nurse I had last year who waved the library in an attempt to get me going again.

There was a local tv ad for a psychic that ran for years, and tgen someone noticed it was filmed in a library. I don’t think the ads ended then, just slowly faded away.

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I’m pretty sure librarian porn dates back to the 70’s filmed porn era.

I can think of one famous title (whose title involves a Name, Verb and City in Texas) that had scenes in a library. Porn involving authority figures such as teachers, priests, employers, police officers, landlords… were always pretty common.

Plus the most famous widely known example of the sexy librarian: Barbara Gordon



They give porn producers permits for filming at elementary schools?

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I know Yvonne Craig was volcanic hot in the 60’s!

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  1. How did I not see this until now?
  2. I’m dyin’. :joy:
  3. (checks date) Same month & year as the David S. Pumpkins sketch, I knew it. Has that same flavor.
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I’m sure there were releases. Several.


which is a whole different film…

at least it wasn’t that filthy rock and roll…


I freely admit I came into this thread expecting a sort of reverse-bluenose phenomenon, of shaming people for shaming people filming themselves fucking in a public place during business hours.

It’s a bit of a hot-button issue for me. Not because I’m a prude myself, but because I’ve come to understand how unexpected sexual situations right in your face can impact people, including but not limited to survivors of sexual violence.

But I was wrong! Today, BoingBoing can be disappointed in me.


Watched it. It was pretty good!

“Alright guys, let’s see that one more time. There’s got to be something we’re missing.”

I doubt Andrew Carnegie had this in mind when he built Carnegie Libraries all over the country.

It took forever back then to finish the painting of the performers deep in the stacks. A different time… :thinking:


Some even supply mattresses.


Consent isn’t just for those actively engaging in the act

i really adore this fucking one. ‘good grip’ as do say the queen

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