Pornography use increased when Fortnite crashed for 24 hours

Originally published at:


Rule 34 always applies and that is a good thing.


Had not heard of that, thanks…

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I’m positive that it didn’t, just like lolcats didn’t originate on 4chan either.


Yeah, rule 34 is old. 4chan is so new I haven’t even gotten around to looking at it yet.


I dunno what it is about ladies carrying giant hammers but…yeah.
Tiger growl.

I’d never heard of “Rule 34” before. I put wikipedia URL to the wikipedia entry for it to help anyone else as clueless as I was.

The excerpt showed up automagically when I put the link in, I take no responsibility for it’s correctness.

It’s wikipedia though, so you can go fix it! :wink:

OK, you’re now officially weirder than me.

(On the other claw, maybe I can direct you to some dating opportunities.)

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When hell freezes over, or the Arbcom apologizes. (Or I feel like it.)

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How did they identify them as gamers? Based on their search terms?

Also, if traffic increased by 10%, and the term “Fortnite” increased by 60%, what were the other 40% of the 10% looking for (assuming all 60% of the 10% were searching for “Fortnite” and none of this was just a coincidence)?

I’m doing statistics wrong.

It would also help to know what the rate of Fortnite term searches there already were, and the actual number of visitors. Meh. I hate statistics.

Ugh. I just had a thought. Is there going to be Trump/Toad porn now? “All the King’s Mushrooms” … Blargh.

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See my post above…

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I did. I have an exception with “… and that’s a good thing.” in this case.

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I guarantee you that it already exists. Rule 34 is like a natural law. It was not invented, it was discovered.


Rule 35 is if you somehow imagine some kind of porn that doesn’t already exist, and mention it on the Internet, it will cause that type of porn to be created.


This just in: Hackers from Pornhub caught attempting to hack Fortnight servers…

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I’m masturbating right now! … er, ok, I will be soon, soon!

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