Today’s solar recharging session…
A terrible pic, I blame the solar screen. But my daughter and I were excited to see such a colorful visitor inches outside our window.
Worst line ever from a Muppet related program:
Kermit: The one great thing about breaking up with Piggy is I can eat barbecue again.
New goslings this season. I was about 12" away from getting my kneecaps pecked by the Papa standing watch
We see those glorious beasts flying overhead sometimes, and I look down at our fat and lazy white ducks waddling about the joint, and wonder if we may have fed them just a few too many scrambled eggs growing up.
Jackdaw enjoying a buffet provided by VR (Suomen Valtion Rautatiet almost direct translation Iron roads of The Finnish State).
Forgive the dreadful photo, but this (taken yesterday morning) is the first chick we’ve manufactured locally.
I also have some adorable video of various birds coming over to check out the new guy for the first time, but they say to always leave ’em wanting more…
I should make one of those for this place, one that encourages our non-existant visitors to pet the friendly Guinea Monsters.
Here’s a better photo from yesterday. It’s now Day Three and mama hen still has a chirping tennis ball hiding under her skirts.
And apparently we are picking up some Silkie roosters and a couple young turkeys this evening. Can you say “Let’s disrupt the fuck out of a flock!” boys and girls? I knew you could.