Just outside this window is the tree canopy that the fat bakery birds sit in, the wire that visiting birds as well as the resident sparrows use, and the top of the fence where a black squirrel or chipmunk might appear. We know when the black squirrel has made an appearance, because she’ll streak into the front room, tail puffed to a comical size, and she’ll do the sideways-skitter-and-arched-back halloween cat thing until she’s sure it hasn’t followed her.
Best thing I’ve read in the NY Times in quite a while:
A meadow froghopper urinates so much that it could drown itself. Luckily, the insect Philaenus spumarius, which is approximately the size of a Tic Tac, has a butt catapult that regularly flicks its globules of liquid waste into the air and safely away from its body.
ETA actual text instead of a screenshot and a link
It’s hard to tell without disturbing the nest. It sounds like there might be two chicks. There was one chick and 4 eggs last week. I don’t really know what’s going on in there.