So massive! He’s got old man fur tufts in his ears, too! So cute!
Recursive kitty!
Friday afternoon cat puddles:
How am I supposed to work when I’m surrounded by this much concentrated relaxation?
Oh, my, I had some dining room chairs upholstered in that fabric (2nd picture)! My beasties shredded them - best claw sharpening surface ever!
If you build it, they will come!
Strawberry Sunday
The Ratel kit got one of his fingers in her beak a few days ago. She’s getting quite a bite: took a little effort on my part to get her to release him. Didn’t quite break the skin, but a really nasty pinch and it was red and swollen all day.
Today he’s trying to hand feed her again.
Niko, Love Glove™, and a not inconsequential percentage of fluff formerly known as Niko.
Spring comes early in AZ.
Young Jarvis has been crook; yesterday he was really weak and seemed sore, but he started to eat late in the day. He’s got a fair bit more life in him today, which is a big relief, but he still seems pretty tired, poor little guy.
Floof Alert!
Continued improvement from Mister Mischief; he was chasing a laser, having perked up considerably
Our fat cat has recently earned the nickname Cat of Ultimate Comfort, but your cats are the Kings of Ultimate Comfort.
Nori, from our first 90° day of the year. Poor guy is so electric the sparks hurt me when I brush him. I could probably rub him on my shirt and stick him to the fridge.
My mother sent me a link to a bird feeder webcam ( from Canopy Tower in Panama, and Niko is hooked.
He’s sure the birds and opossums are going just behind the TV when they leave the screen, prompting a panicked call to help with cat extraction this afternoon.
Now he’s getting the concept of television, though.