We took our RV up to Frankenmuth MI where it will stay until the end of October because we’re having an outdoor 40th Anniversary party in a couple weeks.
We’ll commute back and forth every few days to work a little and check on the kitties at home.
One cat travels with us, because medication, Mr. Feral stays at home with our other 13 year old. Those two couldn’t care less that we’re gone.
Mrs. Feral is in her own room doing just fine. She uses the litter box and chills out on her bed on the bed. She’s eating normally again.
I don’t know if I mentioned this but Mrs. Feral is Mr. Feral’s mom. We brought him in a couple years ago, he’s about 4 or 5 now. It will be interesting to see how they interact once we allow them to mingle together.
I went to pick up our fall foster family on the 12th when the little ones were only 4-days old. Now all their eyes are open and they look like adorable, fuzzy little aliens.
Here they are getting a cuddle from mama.
I have a bunch of NHK programs and mini-programs set to record, and this is one of them. It’s my end of day stress relief. My favorites include the Cats-Eye View, the Cycling in Japan series, and Wild Hokkaido!
Five? I was expecting to see something like The Seven Dwarfs! You’ve already got Sleepy and Happy. Maybe Doc could represent the ones interested in any document you’re reading or typing (as well as boxes and bags that might contain documents of interest).
The kittens:
Joey and Cirrus are both human+++/hunter+++/inquistive+++++/cat’s+++ cats
(4/5) well socialized and balanced, probably will be cats on easy level
The adults:
Other Cat is a human+++++/hunter+/inquisitive+++ cat
(3/5) our “dog cat” who greets people at the door and is a problem solver
Bitey Cat is a human+/hunter+++/cantankerous+++++
(3/5) really only likes one person, high personal space requirements, high strung
I’ve seen a few red squirrels around the UK, but we mostly have greys in my local area.
The only black squirrels I’ve ever seen have been posted here, so I assume they are common in the States.
But this little dude?
Beautiful Plumage!
Michigan is pretty amazing.
(If memory serves, MI is Michigan, not Misconsin or some shit…)