A collection of posts anyone may have liked to have liked when technology fails to make life better.
Rule 1: No posting posts that would would not have liked.
Rule 2: If you see your post mentioned here, consider yourself liked by the likeless.
Rule 3: It is fine to post things here when you are likeless, though that would be strange.
Rule 4: Only do this when you feel the need, there is no compulsory posting of like-worthy posts.
Rule 5: Other rules may apply or may not, but probably don’t.
I think the problem here is that cutting and pasting links between other threads and this one is going to get tedious. Just in the time I’ve been sitting here now, I’ve probably wanted – but been unable – to like at least 30 posts I’ve read. Do I really go back to those threads and do this? But it would prove the point.
Sigh. Can I start this exercise tomorrow, instead? It’s been a long day!
I can see why you would not want people like-ing more than half the posts they read, because after that, additional likes remove information rather than adding information.
But I don’t really see the point of cutting people off before that.
If I like 0% of all posts, that contributes no information
if I like 100% of all posts, that contributes no information
if I like 50% of all posts, that’s the most efficient use of the information channel