Predator priests, Game of Thrones, and why Italians don’t use Viagra, in this week’s dubious tabloids

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Sexually abusive clergy vie with celebrities in this week’s tawdry tabloids.

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Forced to put baby No.4 on hold.”

Good news is always welcomed.

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I would like us to stop doing these, or put the post behind a cut.

Peter, how about “This Week in Science Periodicals” or “This Week in Archeology” or this week in literally anything else in the entire world?

The British tabloids think they have found Lord Lucan and he is still alive in Australia.

I mean, he might be and he needs to face that murder accusation, but people have been looking for the last 45 years and haven’t found him. I doubt he is just going to suddenly turn up in an English speaking country unless he wants to be caught.

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