President Obama's remarks on the NSA and surveillance

Invoking mods… no need to veer too far into that…

Then they’d already have come for my uncool niece.

Mellow out, man. If you know what’s good for you.

apparently needed reference



Lazy, too. I don’t expect people to march out in the streets or go to their representatives to make a demand, but I do expect more talk about something Kardashian as if that really mattered.

Mod note: Stay on topic and avoid personal attacks.

Just my two cents; I think you are confusing a failed economic/political paradigm for an actual failure of the entity we know as the United States. Paradigms fall with generational frequency. The U.S. was formed from the failure of the British colonial paradigm, yet the colonies, altered, lived on just fine and prospered. This constitutional unity suffered a paroxysm a full generation’s lifespan later and realigned itself into a “free labor” industrial order, after quite a bit of blood spilled. One more generation later and the existing economic/political order collapsed and we entered into a decade and a half decline and another reordering of our political economy. Now, right on time, another paradigmatic set of agreements have become obsolete. I think; bet on another 10 - 15 years of stagnation and yet another set of policy agreements will be cobbled together. It’s a failed paradigm, absolutely, but not a collapse of all political unity. It just feels like it.
We live in the most powerful, hegemonic, militarily and economically dominant global empire that has ever existed (not an endorsement), it is doubtful it will collapse into a failed state in our lifetime. The empire may shrink, but the entity known as the United States isn’t likely to disintegrate anytime soon.

The illusion of change.

I did not have sexual relations with Big Data.

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We are over extended, losing the ability to sustain the country internally, and in a war in Afghanistan. Which failed empire would you like to use as a comparison?

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