Probable is a fun website that lets users make predictions on a virtual coin flip

Originally published at: Probable is a fun website that lets users make predictions on a virtual coin flip | Boing Boing

I guessed heads four times in a row and it came up tails every time. Goes to show how unintuitive probability can be. I hope they collect all the data, there’s a lot of insight to be gained about how people choose and in what situations they stick by or mix up their original guess.

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I said heads for every flip. This must be my lucky day.

Today your highest run of correct predictions was 3 coin tosses long.
There’s only a 1 in 8 chance of predicting that many coin tosses in a row!

I got three as well, but HHT.

I won’t miss those thirty spent seconds.

If you get a run of 28 guesses correct in a row (in one try), thats a little less than your odds of guessing the Mega Millions numbers correctly (in one try, if you dont care about the sequence the numbers are pulled in)

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