Originally published at: Profile of former yakuza member who has opened a small noodle-restaurant in Japan | Boing Boing
… isn’t there a manga about something similar? (IIRC, it was about an ex-yakuza member who went full-time housedad or something.)
Yeah, “Way of the Househusband”. Saw a few on Netflix.
ETA: The Way of the Househusband | Trailer | Netflix Anime - YouTube
Do they have a senior discount?
It’s an excellent show. The story is fairly thin since it’s mostly a bunch of humorous moments, so keep that in mind but it’s pretty funny.
The article mentions that he keeps copies of it in the restaurant bathroom.
heh. self-referential humor is always the best humor.
If only Juzo Itami were still alive to direct a sequel to his “noodle Western,” titled “Tampopo." The fact that he was physically attacked by yakuza for his films would add some spice (and blood) to his depiction of the former yakuza noodle restauranteur I’m sure.
One of the main reasons yakuza originally flourished was because ethnic discrimination on the Burakumin/ethnic Koreans didn’t allow them to get a mainstream education/job/career in the first place. So how much easier can it be for: an elder felon Burakumin/Korean Yazuka-retiree?
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