Prog rock: the sound of history's future

King Crimson defines Prog. I like to say that Rock took a hard left turn the day 21st Century Schizoid Man came out and never looked back. That BBC doc above confirms this. Every musician in England knew the game had changed and they were going to have to work harder to keep up. Lark’s Tongues, Starless, and Red form the pinnacle of Rock achievement. The Belew period is full of great and poppy stuff complimented by those two amazing guitarists trading ideas at light speed. And, yet, no occult anything in any of those records. huh.
Saw the current line up a few weeks ago. Not resting on their laurels. Still pushing hard rock into new territory. An audience full of gray haired dudes unmistakably nerdish in demeanor, respectful and enthusiastic.
We did go through a period when this was the music of “boys.” We have grown up enough that this is no longer an embarrassment.
I also became a visual artist because of Roger Dean and still list him, very uncool, as an important influence for showing the way to automatic procedure. Yet, I never sat and fantasized about dragons and wizards while looking at those covers. Who did this guy interview for his article. Regarding Yes; we all thought Anderson’s lyrics were silly and laughed at the flowing garments they all wore. The music thrilled and still does. Steve Howe plays more beautifully than any other guitarist I know.

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I kind of doubt it as well.

If you’re strangling the cat properly, it can’t shriek anywhere near as loud as Geddy.

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When Glenn Cornick, original bass player for Jethro Tull, died a couple of weeks ago there was a remarkable outpouring of emotion and memories on my Facebook feed from the musicians among my acquaintance. One posted this amazing video of early Tull performing on German TV in 1967. It is a reminder of how great and wild a time it was and, well, just a great performance.

See. Told you I wasn’t well versed in music theory.

Probably thinking of this question from “What’s your Sex IQ?”

  1. Nine heterosexual men and nine heterosexual women are in a house together for a night, during which all 18 pair off and have sex. How many possible pairings are there? (You may use a pen and paper.)

Song for Jeffrey. Neat. I really preferred them with Mick Abrahams.

I am told that the guitarist in the clip is Tony Iommi who later went on to form Black Sabbath with what’s his name. I am not a fan so I didn’t notice, but some might find it interesting. I guess he was a member for a short time.

Well, if they all paired off and had sex, there are 9 pairings, eh?

OK. I was wondering if Abrahams had lost weight… According to Wikipedia, except for Anderson, they mimed in that video: that’s Abraham’s guitar work straight from This was.

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362880? (Assuming they’re strict on the heterosexuality and the pairing…)

Ah heck. Well, it does show Anderson at a good moment and that Cornick was multi-talented. (though maybe he didn’t play the harmonica on the recording then?)

Nope. Harmonica was credited to Anderson on the album.

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Donkey being raped with a bagpipe?

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About 15 years ago, the Austin American-Statesman’s weekly entertainment guide had an article about prog rock. They had Pere Ubu in there (their box set was pretty recent), and the way the paper explained it, the inclusion made sense. Later on I heard Public Image Ltd.'s Paris au Printemps in a radio set that otherwise included prog rock – and PiL actually worked in that context. (Keith Levene’s gone on record about being a big Yes fan.)

If you stretch it then I think “progressive rock” would include Capt. Beefheart and Can. Maybe not so much of a stretch?


My recollection/take is that it was Tool having King Crimson tour with them that started the new interest.

I don’t care for the bas-relief

That comparison probably sullies the good name of both bagpipes and bagpipe-raped donkeys, the combination of which has got to be much more pleasant-sounding than Geddy…

The damnable thing is that he’s one helluva bass player.

That’s not shrill enough. And I agree with @PatRx2, you’ve just slandered both bagpipes and donkeys violated thusly. :wink:

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