Public school suspends 8-year-old girl for wearing wrong shade of green

It’s a public school. You’re basically telling them to move.

This just smacks of a particular entitlement that I call “reading the article and doing thirty seconds of research is for other people.”


Ah, sorry about the 404- the link is actually good, but I’m on an .edu network and that’s giving me access. Didn’t realize.
If you look at my post right at the top of all this (first!), you’ll see I’m clearly of the belief that suspension for a minor school uniform infraction is stupid at best and detrimental in all likelihood.
I’ve also commented extensively on the prevalence of “zero tolerance” policies in schools- my position being that such policies are the lazy work of incompetent fear-mongering administrators and meddling local governments.
@cxseven - The first paper I linked (which, sadly, is behind an academic wall…) is from 2009- well after the article you’re proposing. And while I’m not a fan of school uniforms by any stretch, it appears to be reasonably well sorted study. Here’s the opening:


You can even pull down a decent school administrator’s salary for doing so.


Should we care? I mean, the principal, who’s a licensed, professional educator obviously doesn’t.

“I got suspended for wearing the different color they wanted me to wear,” said Kylie. “The principal told me that I don’t have to stay here and I could leave.”.

Maybe we should trust the principal’s judgement, instead of applying our naive cultural ideas about education to a place where they aren’t welcome.


Digging up school zone maps?! It took me about thirty seconds to read the article and then plug “Winslow Township School District” into Wikipedia:

I swear to you, it’s 2015, you don’t have to ride your horse to city hall to check these things anymore. There are no excuses for making lazy assumptions.


I’m really, really hoping that was dripping in /s.

Because know the Dilbert Principal? Yeah, that’s happening in education too.

Maybe I should add the principal to my professional network on LinkedIn?


Are you done yelling at me now? There’s other people in this thread, why not share the love?

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I read your comment and if my emphasis of this point felt like criticism I’m sorry.


Sorry- I’m a little heated. I hate seeing this sort of stupidity in education. Gets me all riled up.

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When I was growing up, suspension was a big deal, reserved for kids who were being truly disruptive. Now if you sneeze wrong, it’s the default punishment. In itself that you, an educator don’t think that it’s a big deal, is a big deal.


Um, can we get a look at the other side of the shirt?

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If it was this easy to get suspended when I was in highschool, I would have taken a lot of days off.


I’ll fetch your silk slippers, fez, and pipe.

(I’m a saucy little thing, aren’t I)


Technically, I’m not an educator, I’m an administrator, for a university, so a little different. :wink:
But yes, its dumb, I’m not saying its not dumb, I just get it, sort of, thats all.

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How about this:
When this poor little girl applies to college, and the application form asks “Have you ever been suspended?” she’ll have to check “yes.”
For a green shirt.
That’s so wildly out of proportion as to be laughable.
And, yes, sure- they need to draw a line somewhere and that’s fine (though that they want to draw a line in the sand about the color of the shirt baffles me). But if the goal here is to provide the best environment for this kid’s education, then let’s get a loaner pile of clothes, let her pick something, write a note home, and be done with it. Let her go to class.


I feel like I’m repeating myself… oh wait, thats cuz I am! LOL
Yes, its dumb, yes it could have been done differently! Ok! Agree? Agreed!


The only thoughts I can offer are this. In my field a Graduated Response is generally the order of the day. Even in finance, LEO, government, and highly regulated industries.

A suspension for a minor color infraction for an eight year old is an order of magnitude than sending someone home because as an adult they forgot their uniform. I personally like uniforms and discipline, they teach attention to detail. And I am not arguing with you, just observing the response was disproportionate.

But that shirt is dark green or I’ll eat my hat. :smiley:


AGREED! (Honestly, how many times do I gotta say it?)

But no way in hell that kelly green is dark green! Don’t make me bust out swatches! ;p


Who’re you to suggest they are Hookers?


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“Dark” is an entirely subjective term, of course. At what part of the spectrum does a colour begin to be called “dark”? That shirt sure as heck looks closer to dark green that light green, in my eyes.