Public school suspends 8-year-old girl for wearing wrong shade of green

Oh, I gotch ya swatches right here!

(I should actually go check the rgb values, I’m a touch RG colorblind :D)


Greater than G128 is a sane measure

Just in case, I’ve found the perfect hat:


I knew this was going to be a blue/black dress debate!


The article says it is Kelly Green, but those two photos are not even close to the same color according to my color picker.

I suspect the shirt manufacturer doesn’t have good quality control, cause that ain’t the same color as that swatch.

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If we’re talking about the shirt on the left, judging from my crap monitor with my crap eyes, it’s just plain old green. “Kelly green”? Sure, I’ll accept that. I’d call it about halfway between what I’d label “dark green” and what I’d consider “light green.”

I don’t think it strictly qualifies as dark green, but neither do I think its difference from dark green should make a thimbleful of difference. It’s green enough and shirty enough for any useful purpose the school could dream up.

Might not pass Quality Control at some of those processing plants they call schools, of course…


Me too. I was a good kid most of the time, but I was always looking for a way to stick it to the man. Because administrators are stupid and school is wack, yo!

Nobody is discussing what suspension really is. It’s a punishment for parents. Kids go, yay, free day no school. Parents have to take off work to stay with the kid or arrange and pay for childcare if no relative or friend is free.

Over a green shirt? If it was an honest mistake and I really wasn’t trying to bend the rules to poke the bear, I’d be like, well FUCK that school and all those fuckin dummies running it. You don’t have better things to do?

And then for the rest of the year, I would be ALL UP IN THEIR GRILLS EVERY TIME THEY FUCKED UP FOR THE SLIGHTEST REASON. I’d make them work hard, for me, all year. It would be war. They would sincerely regret sending my kid home because she wore kelly green rather than hooker’s or forest green. There would be no end to the grief they received from me after that.




I get to deal with this next year. The local public high school has a uniform requirement, and my son is already pretty upset about the idea of a uniform - I’m hoping the concept will be less bothersome when he’s had some time to think about it, but there really isn’t any other school option that wouldn’t add way too much transit time. If this happened to him, I’d actually be pretty upset

Also, I can’t even reach agreement with people about whether a given color is blue or green, let alone whether it is dark enough to be dark green

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You’re suspended for a day - the jacket is not navy blue.

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I threw a trident


The difference in green in the above photos isn’t enough to be disruptive, imho. I’ve had dark green shirts lighten that much after a few washes. It isn’t like she was wearing this:

As others have said, if they are that much of sticklers about the shade then they need a loaner pile. I guarantee after a few days of having to wear a loaner, the girl will get her mom sorted out.


I live in a lower rent area and I see kids going to school. You can spot the poor kids a mile away. Their clothes are faded which is simply a function of economy. Poor families can’t afford several sets of uniforms so they get washed more often.

I’d rather a school system work to produce children who aren’t distracted to the point of missing out on their education over a different shade of the same color.


Come now, this is like fearing something is on your “permanent record.” There are people who went to prison who later went to college, there’s no check box for “were you ever suspended?” If anything about past schools are asked, it’s “Do you have a high school diploma/GED?” No college is going to care about your bullshit troubles in third grade, you might as well be concerned with how much paste someone ate or if they were a biter.

If anything, this kid has an amazing story to use for their college essay about how she learned petty rules were bullshit and she’s out to change the world for the better.


Nuke 'em from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.


If they pulled this on me, I wouldn’t let them leave it to their own subjectivity. I would politely insist that they specify a measurable wavelength of green, and their allowable percentage of deviation from it. Petty tyrants love the feeling of being in charge, but seem to hate getting specific with regards to what the actual rules are supposed to be. No, I am not leaving it to your discretion!


What did you do?

ETA - you mentioned a trident. You need to elaborate.

I dressed as Hitler for German class and did a skit with a large bayonet where he was post-war and ran a fruit stand and my partner kept asking for bananas - which I didn’t have, and at the end I took the bayonet and cut an apple in half in frustration.

“It ain’t easy being green.” --Kermit T. Frog


Or how about you make some attempt at accommodating a student who’s clearly made a good-faith effort, like giving them a parent’s note and a couple days to fix it, instead of sending them home in disgrace because over the difference between “dark green” and “kelly green,” for fuck’s sake?

I would have been more polite if you hadn’t gotten all smug and superior despite not bothering to RTFA.

Both of the shirts shown are dark green, to any reasonable approximation. If they’re going to lose their shit over the precise shade of dark green, they need to be providing official uniforms.