Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/05/16/public-sculpture-makes-wonderful-sound-when-gravel-is-dumped-into-it.html
ooh, love that. interactive, different every time, can be done singularly or in groups, uses the local environment without harming it… just awesome.
The rainstick is also easier to take to gigs.
For a moment, I thought this was a repost.
First thing I thought of:
That’s at the Huntington Gardens children’s garden here in LA! I’m in love with that whole place, full of wonder and delight. And yes, I of course spent way too long playing with it.
My son and I made one the very next day - it’s just a bunch of finishing nails! - but the effect is sooooo lovely. Now all I need is a few hundred million dollars worth of botanical garden to place it in.
Nice! A bit like dropping a coin into a turbofan engine.
I love this! Interactive public art for the win.
There’s something similar at a local school, but made of plywood frame instead of concrete.
Another one I really like but can’t find an image of is the horizontal bicycle wheel you can spin, and there’s a pencil or twig on a string above it at just the right height so it bounces on the spokes. It also makes a really cool sound.
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