Q&A on Non-Moderation Matters (Mechanics, How-To, etc.)

Good point! And presumably if you know the magic codes to type you wouldn’t need to mess with the right pane.

Peanut butter cups.

![Peanut butter cups.|500x403](upload://baPo7bUhj80YlxQXduUpFFuVCdk.png?)


Does this happen to anyone else? It just started a few weeks ago. It doesn’t happen on any other websites I use. When I try to play the video, it spins for a while and then I get this error message. Sometimes if I reload the page it will work, but usually not.

ETA: Only happens in the comments section, not in main articles.

1 Like

I am curious - what was preventing you from uploading your own - there might be a solutiuon


Good question. It was telling me the extension was wrong, and this was purely a user error as I thought downloading a supposed GIF from a website on my phone would give me what I wanted. Turns out I need to find a better way to find and download GIFs.

Problem in chair, not in computer.


Ah yes - the old “say it’s a gif, deliver a webp”. I use this site to convert them to gifs (also to optimize large gifs. You can do a lot to reduce the size >4Mb with it.)


Nice! Thanks for that. That is exactly the problem.


So I was reinstalling my OS to test some other OS functionality on bare metal, and while I was waiting for all the updates I was browising boingboing . I decided to Alt-Left Key to get back into the previous site I was on, and I was met with this happy horseshit.

It did this, then opened up another one when I quit the window.

What the shit, guys? Capturing browser keystrokes AND opening up unsolicited windows?


This has been happening for a while. :man_shrugging: if you click left one more time you’re set free.


Guess I’ll never browse without ad blockers again. This is abusive. Thank God I’m not on a screen reader or assistive device and having no way to avoid this.


I noticed this morning that clicking the heart icon briefly no longer likes a post, it is always bringing up the full reaction menu now. ETA: to clarify pressing it again just hides the menu

Is anyone else seen this? And if so is it intentional? And if it is intentional since the heart reaction does not count towards badges, is that changing too? Honestly it’s weird that reactions don’t count towards badges anyway, since they should really be based on overall engagement anyway

This is Chrome on Android where I’m seeing this


On desktop (Chrome) I was able to click the heart. The menu came up on mouseover but I could still just click. Of course this is a totally different interaction design than mobile.

Does “emoji menu → heart” really count differently towards badges than just clicking the heart straight-off?


When I looked at this right after the implementation they definitely did not. I don’t know if they do now or not.

We could test this. I just reacted to your post with the heart reaction not the like-click. If everybody does this instead of just clicking the heart we will know after 10 how it works.


Desktop Firefox, same.

I did the menu heart for yours and it loos like it counted the same as whatever you already head.


Nice try, but I took pity and clicked it, since you seem so eager for badges. :wink:

eta:Oops, I clicked on your post instead of @wazroth’s as you suggested. Corrected.

Same here.


Interesting… I only see one reaction to @wazroth 's post - mine.


, I didn’t leave it after the experiment, I clicked, saw where it tallied, clicked again


Too Much Fainting GIF


As I said in my edit, I misunderstood your proposal. :blush:

So far it seems as if all hearts are tallied the same.


I had the same thing a few days ago but its back to normal for me now.


Ah, when I was playing around back when reactions started I noticed that hearts seemed like they were grouped together in the interface, but that you had to have 10 “like” hearts, not reaction hearts before the badge would trigger.

So the full experiment I am proposing is "only react to @wazroth 's post with react hearts and they will have to tell us if they ever get badged for it. The reaction hearts must be left in place for the experiment

/starts writing up a grant paper

(No,I could not just ask @codinghorror . As a known scientist etc etc)