"Quasi-neoreactionary libertarian" candidate for congress admits pedophilia

Oooh Mother Night quote!



Please, God, don’t let him be from Virginia!

Wait… What?

Oh, shit.

EDIT: Holy Mother of CRAP! This asshole is running in MY district! I need an immediate drenching in ick-be-gone!


A serious oversight, that. Whoever was responsible for keeping this fine upstanding example of right wing wackaloonism off the GOP ticket must be found and punished severely.

Or at least, that seems to be the philosophy guiding the GOP these days - that there’s no such thing as a candidate who is too far to the right, or too insane.


I have nothing terribly useful to add apart from the compulsion to say that Vonnegut played a huge role in shaping who I am today.


Is he “owning the libs”? Then he still has a chance.


The really sad thing is that he has some pretty compelling evidence in just the last couple of years to back that assertion up.


It’s almost like people who joke about rape and pedophilia ACTUALLY want to do these things. Weird!


The more political nomenclature you add to your CV, the less you are to be trusted.

I’m much more interested in Law Enforcement going to websites like those to see who they can provide with false means and false opportunities. I’d feel much better about convicting someone who was going to do something bad to a little kid who turns out to be an agent, than someone who was willing to be provided weapons and a mission by a terrorist cell leader who… turns out to be an agent.


This bears reposting;


If he just called himself a Sith libertarian, there’d be less confusion.


To the degree that it means anything; it seems to appear in the mouths of people who are atypically selective in their reactionary tendencies; which can lead to both incoherence and extra zeal in their areas of reactionary interest.

Obviously, ‘uniform’ reactionaries pretty much don’t exist outside of theory: nostalgia is selective even in cognitively normal or better humans trying hard to think about the past accurately; and anachronism afflicts entertainment productions that have the benefit of full time, sometimes a team of full time, props and continuity people.

However, there is still a vast gulf of degree; arguably shifting well into a difference in kind, between the “I wish everything were like the 1950s as I imagine them to be” sorts and the “what we need is a return to pre-enlightenment divine right absolute monarchy; but in a way that somehow mostly won’t affect my being a brogrammer for some ad tech startup very much” types.

Being a reactionary obviously implies some skepticism about the ‘history is totally about human progress’ narrative; but the less selective ones are usually tempered by the fact that if your request is “I want things back X years/decades, with possibly a few drop-in upgrades” your horizon tends to be limited by the “Sure, the green revolution allowed swarms of filthy foreigns to breed in the 3rd world; but remember that cyclical famine and astonishing infant mortality was a ‘first world’ thing not so very long ago…” arguments.

If you are of the zealously selective type, this is less of an issue: Your belief that you can actually graft divine right monarchy onto a modern market economy; or the like, might be totally blinkered; but if you think that you can ask for bits of the (partially imagined) past, rather than having to accept a bulk restore of a given period, you lose most of the incentive toward moderation in the areas that do interest you. Assorted historical despotism that somehow won’t just end in the king expropriating you; or pre Gutenberg, pre reformation, level simple faith to keep the peasants in line that somehow won’t ever cause the pitchforks to come out in response to your smirking cynicism and/or deviant sex parties, etc.


I’m pretty sure this guy is the founder of Gilead from the Handmaid’s Tale


I know it’s a long-standing tradition for political candidates to kiss babies but it’s way way gross to learn that the candidate is actually getting off on that kind of thing.


Virginia, who famously once put up billboards which read, “isn’t she a bit young?”


It refers to a specific political and ideological movement.

Sort of the 3rd peg in the formation of the alt-right. These guys. Resurgent political white supremacists (as opposed to the organized crime like forms that dominated in the 90’s). And the new misogynist movement. As these three pegs all rose up as online douche parades. The cross over in membership (or fandom?) between the three and increasingly shared organization essentially spat out what we now call the Alt-Right.

Effectively its an American strain of explicitly pro-monarchist, christian forward theocracy, white supremacist crazy fascism. Incredibly anti-democratic. The core writers of the genre openly preach against the very freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, etc. That the alt-right loves to hind behind when criticized. And their ideas are absolutely core to everything that’s going on with the alt-right. Its very much the “intellectual” end of the alt-right, for what that’s worth. Its where all the high falutin’, intelectualizin’, forced political theory to justify the rest of it seems to come from.

Hey now. Lets not shit talk huffing glue.


Based on what could simply be my raging, unreasonable cynicism – or on a correct understanding of the times we live in – I’d say the political fate of an admitted pedophile could be a legitimate litmus indicator of our country’s health. It seems like only yesterday that cheating on one’s spouse was sure political suicide.


That’s how Trump gains loyalty (read: total control); by hiring/nominating people who have horrible ethics and histories that can be held over them by threat of ‘action’.

Back when we lived in Greensboro, there was a real toaster of a guy running for House of Representatives. His robo-calls talked about how there was some kind of gay fiesta with immigrants that were going to destroy our American way of life. At the time it was so outlandish…